Chapter 15. Processing Sequences Using RNNs and CNNs

Predicting the future is something you do all the time, whether you are finishing a friend’s sentence or anticipating the smell of coffee at breakfast. In this chapter we will discuss recurrent neural networks (RNNs)—a class of nets that can predict the future (well, up to a point). RNNs can analyze time series data, such as the number of daily active users on your website, the hourly temperature in your city, your home’s daily power consumption, the trajectories of nearby cars, and more. Once an RNN learns past patterns in the data, it is able to use its knowledge to forecast the future, assuming of course that past patterns still hold in the future.

More generally, RNNs can work on sequences of arbitrary lengths, rather than on fixed-sized inputs. For example, they can take sentences, documents, or audio samples as input, making them extremely useful for natural language processing applications such as automatic translation or speech-to-text.

In this chapter, we will first go through the fundamental concepts underlying RNNs and how to train them using backpropagation through time. Then, we will use them to forecast a time series. Along the way, we will look at the popular ARMA family of models, often used to forecast time series, and use them as baselines to compare with our RNNs. After that, we’ll explore the two main difficulties that RNNs face:

  • Unstable gradients (discussed in Chapter 11), which can be alleviated using ...

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