Peter L. Oesterreich

7Rhetorik und Philosophie bei Kant, im Deutschen Idealismus und in der Romantik

Abstract: The Classical German Philosophy appropriates the anthropological concepts of traditional rhetoric in many different ways. In the centre of this philosophical metamorphosis of rhetoric are prominent authors such as Kant, Fichte, F. Schlegel and Schelling. Here, three exemplary variants of this metamorphosis can be distinguished: First, Kant’s aesthetic transformation of traditional rhetoric, secondly Fichte’s transcendental assimilation and thirdly F. Schlegel’s and Schelling’s infinite romantic irony.

Stichwörter: Anthropologie, Ästhetik, Einbildungskraft, Ethos, Fichte, Gefühl, Glaube, Hören, Ironie, Kant, Kunst, A. Müller, Natur, Schelling, ...

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