Chapter 72
Markov Chains
Beatrice Meini
Universitá di Pisa, Italy
Markov chains are encountered in several applications arising in different contexts, and model many real problems which evolve in time. Throughout, we denote by P[X = j] the probability that the random variable X takes the value j, and by P[X = j|Y = i] the conditional probability that X takes the value j, given that the random variable Y takes the value i. Moreover, we denote by E[X] the expected value of the random variable X and by E[X|A] the conditional expectation of X, given the event A.
72.1 Basic Concepts
Given a denumerable set E, a discrete stochastic process on E is a family {Xt : t ∈ T} of random variables Xt indexed by some denumerable set T and with values ...
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