
We have benefited greatly from our decision analysis colleagues and mentors. We would like to acknowledge these contributions in four categories: special, individual, chapter, and handbook reviewers.

Special Acknowledgments

The authors of this book wish to express our deep appreciation to Professor Ronald A. Howard for being our teacher, mentor, and colleague. All four of us studied under Ron at Stanford, and he inspired each of us to pursue a career as a decision professional. His formulation of decision analysis is the basis of our understanding of how to address tough decisions, and his ongoing contributions to the field have strengthened our professional practice.

In addition, the authors appreciate the support of the John Wiley & Sons OR/MS series editor Susanne Steitz-Filler, our colleagues on the board of the Society for Decision Professionals, and the anonymous Wiley OR/MS reviewers who all encouraged us to write a decision analysis handbook for decision professionals.

Individual Acknowledgments

Gregory S. Parnell acknowledges colleagues Dennis Buede, Pat Driscoll, Ralph Keeney, Robin Keller, Craig Kirkwood, and Larry Phillips for their valuable professional advice and friendship. In addition, I acknowledge Terry Bresnick for recruiting me to Innovative Decisions, Inc., which has involved me in decision analysis practice as well as education.

Terry A. Bresnick acknowledges Ed Sondik and Rex Brown for providing DA theoretical background; Cameron Peterson, ...

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