List of Figures

FIGURE 1.1 Decision analysis process
FIGURE 2.1 Dimensions of decision complexity
FIGURE 3.1 The scope of decision analysis
FIGURE 3.2 A taxonomy of decision analysis practice
FIGURE 3.3 Single objective decision analysis
FIGURE 3.4 Two approaches to multiple objective decision analysis
FIGURE 3.5 Example of indifference curves
FIGURE 3.6 Benefits of value-focused thinking
FIGURE 4.1 Divergent and convergent thinking
FIGURE 5.1 Six elements of decision quality
FIGURE 5.2 Suggested prescription for resolving decisions
FIGURE 5.3 The dialogue decision process
FIGURE 5.4 The decision analysis cycle
FIGURE 5.5 Systems decision process
FIGURE 5.6 Strictly analytical process
FIGURE 5.7 Advocacy process
FIGURE 5.8 The Geneptin dialogue decision process
FIGURE 6.1 Example vision statement
FIGURE 6.2 Format of the decision hierarchy
FIGURE 6.3 RNAS decision hierarchy
FIGURE 6.4 Geneptin decision hierarchy
FIGURE 6.5 Data center location decision hierarchy
FIGURE 7.1 Objectives hierarchy for car purchase
FIGURE 7.2 Functional value hierarchy for car purchase
FIGURE 7.3 Comparison of objectives and functional objectives hierarchy
FIGURE 7.4 RNAS means–ends objectives hierarchy
FIGURE 7.5 Data center functional value hierarchy
FIGURE 8.1 Example strategy table
FIGURE 8.2 Defining two alternatives in a strategy table
FIGURE 8.3 Nested strategy tables
FIGURE 8.4 RNAS strategy table
FIGURE 8.5 Geneptin strategy table
FIGURE 9.1 Example influence diagram
FIGURE 9.2 Example ...

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