
This treatise is based on courses given at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de I’Aéronautique et de I’Espace (Supaéro), the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin and Ecole Polytechnique. It has been written for PhD students and young engineers who are not yet specialized; and can thus be considered as an introduction to compressible aerodynamics, illustrated by concrete applications.

Gas dynamics teaching in France owes much to Pierre Carrière who was Director of Aerodynamics at Onera (Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales) when I began my career. Having had the opportunity very early on to learn from him, he gave me – and also many others – an essential foundation for our studies in aerodynamics. This treatise draws a part of its inspiration from the courses delivered by Pierre Carrière at Supaéro and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (ENST A).

This treatise owes much to the numerous contacts that I have had during my professional life with colleagues from the aerospace industry in the framework of major French and European programs in which I had the opportunity to participate. However, I am especially grateful to engineers of the Onera aerodynamic departments with whom I had many exchanges and who generously gave me results to illustrate this treatise. I am greatly indebted to the theoreticians of the Numerical Simulation and Aeroacoustics Department of Onera who initiated me to the use of the simulation code elsA and helped ...

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