Hadoop Operations

Book description

If you’ve been asked to maintain large and complex Hadoop clusters, this book is a must. Demand for operations-specific material has skyrocketed now that Hadoop is becoming the de facto standard for truly large-scale data processing in the data center. Eric Sammer, Principal Solution Architect at Cloudera, shows you the particulars of running Hadoop in production, from planning, installing, and configuring the system to providing ongoing maintenance.

Rather than run through all possible scenarios, this pragmatic operations guide calls out what works, as demonstrated in critical deployments.

  • Get a high-level overview of HDFS and MapReduce: why they exist and how they work
  • Plan a Hadoop deployment, from hardware and OS selection to network requirements
  • Learn setup and configuration details with a list of critical properties
  • Manage resources by sharing a cluster across multiple groups
  • Get a runbook of the most common cluster maintenance tasks
  • Monitor Hadoop clusters—and learn troubleshooting with the help of real-world war stories
  • Use basic tools and techniques to handle backup and catastrophic failure

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Table of contents

  1. Hadoop Operations
  2. Dedication
  3. Preface
    1. Conventions Used in This Book
    2. Using Code Examples
    3. Safari® Books Online
    4. How to Contact Us
    5. Acknowledgments
  4. 1. Introduction
  5. 2. HDFS
    1. Goals and Motivation
    2. Design
    3. Daemons
    4. Reading and Writing Data
      1. The Read Path
      2. The Write Path
    5. Managing Filesystem Metadata
    6. Namenode High Availability
    7. Namenode Federation
    8. Access and Integration
      1. Command-Line Tools
      2. FUSE
      3. REST Support
  6. 3. MapReduce
    1. The Stages of MapReduce
    2. Introducing Hadoop MapReduce
      1. Daemons
        1. Jobtracker
        2. Tasktracker
      2. When It All Goes Wrong
        1. Child task failures
        2. Tasktracker/worker node failures
        3. Jobtracker failures
        4. HDFS failures
    3. YARN
  7. 4. Planning a Hadoop Cluster
    1. Picking a Distribution and Version of Hadoop
      1. Apache Hadoop
      2. Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop
      3. Versions and Features
      4. What Should I Use?
    2. Hardware Selection
      1. Master Hardware Selection
        1. Namenode considerations
        2. Secondary namenode hardware
        3. Jobtracker hardware
      2. Worker Hardware Selection
      3. Cluster Sizing
      4. Blades, SANs, and Virtualization
    3. Operating System Selection and Preparation
      1. Deployment Layout
      2. Software
      3. Hostnames, DNS, and Identification
      4. Users, Groups, and Privileges
    4. Kernel Tuning
      1. vm.swappiness
      2. vm.overcommit_memory
    5. Disk Configuration
      1. Choosing a Filesystem
        1. ext3
        2. ext4
        3. xfs
      2. Mount Options
    6. Network Design
      1. Network Usage in Hadoop: A Review
        1. HDFS
        2. MapReduce
      2. 1 Gb versus 10 Gb Networks
      3. Typical Network Topologies
        1. Traditional tree
        2. Spine fabric
  8. 5. Installation and Configuration
    1. Installing Hadoop
      1. Apache Hadoop
        1. Tarball installation
        2. Package installation
      2. CDH
    2. Configuration: An Overview
      1. The Hadoop XML Configuration Files
    3. Environment Variables and Shell Scripts
    4. Logging Configuration
    5. HDFS
      1. Identification and Location
      2. Optimization and Tuning
      3. Formatting the Namenode
      4. Creating a /tmp Directory
    6. Namenode High Availability
      1. Fencing Options
      2. Basic Configuration
      3. Automatic Failover Configuration
        1. Initialzing ZooKeeper State
      4. Format and Bootstrap the Namenodes
    7. Namenode Federation
    8. MapReduce
      1. Identification and Location
      2. Optimization and Tuning
    9. Rack Topology
    10. Security
  9. 6. Identity, Authentication, and Authorization
    1. Identity
    2. Kerberos and Hadoop
      1. Kerberos: A Refresher
      2. Kerberos Support in Hadoop
        1. Configuring Hadoop security
    3. Authorization
      1. HDFS
      2. MapReduce
      3. Other Tools and Systems
        1. Apache Hive
        2. Apache HBase
        3. Apache Oozie
        4. Hue
        5. Apache Sqoop
        6. Apache Flume
        7. Apache ZooKeeper
        8. Apache Pig, Cascading, and Crunch
    4. Tying It Together
  10. 7. Resource Management
    1. What Is Resource Management?
    2. HDFS Quotas
    3. MapReduce Schedulers
      1. The FIFO Scheduler
        1. Configuration
      2. The Fair Scheduler
        1. Configuration
      3. The Capacity Scheduler
        1. Configuration
      4. The Future
  11. 8. Cluster Maintenance
    1. Managing Hadoop Processes
      1. Starting and Stopping Processes with Init Scripts
      2. Starting and Stopping Processes Manually
    2. HDFS Maintenance Tasks
      1. Adding a Datanode
      2. Decommissioning a Datanode
      3. Checking Filesystem Integrity with fsck
      4. Balancing HDFS Block Data
      5. Dealing with a Failed Disk
    3. MapReduce Maintenance Tasks
      1. Adding a Tasktracker
      2. Decommissioning a Tasktracker
      3. Killing a MapReduce Job
      4. Killing a MapReduce Task
      5. Dealing with a Blacklisted Tasktracker
  12. 9. Troubleshooting
    1. Differential Diagnosis Applied to Systems
    2. Common Failures and Problems
      1. Humans (You)
      2. Misconfiguration
      3. Hardware Failure
      4. Resource Exhaustion
      5. Host Identification and Naming
      6. Network Partitions
    3. “Is the Computer Plugged In?”
      1. E-SPORE
    4. Treatment and Care
    5. War Stories
      1. A Mystery Bottleneck
      2. There’s No Place Like
  13. 10. Monitoring
    1. An Overview
    2. Hadoop Metrics
      1. Apache Hadoop 0.20.0 and CDH3 (metrics1)
        1. JMX Support
        2. REST Interface
          1. Using the metrics servlet
          2. Using the JMX JSON servlet
      2. Apache Hadoop 0.20.203 and Later, and CDH4 (metrics2)
      3. What about SNMP?
    3. Health Monitoring
      1. Host-Level Checks
      2. All Hadoop Processes
      3. HDFS Checks
      4. MapReduce Checks
  14. 11. Backup and Recovery
    1. Data Backup
      1. Distributed Copy (distcp)
      2. Parallel Data Ingestion
    2. Namenode Metadata
  15. A. Deprecated Configuration Properties
  16. Index
  17. About the Author
  18. Colophon
  19. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Hadoop Operations
  • Author(s): Eric Sammer
  • Release date: October 2012
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781449327057