Chapter 8. Abusing the Runtime Library

As you’ve learned, Objective-C functions at a higher level than C, and uses very basic functions and C-style structures behind the scenes to build a messaging framework. In Chapter 7, you learned how to intercept and manipulate messages, using tools like Cycript, to manipulate the runtime environment of an Objective-C application from a simple script interpreter. In this chapter, we’ll pull the curtain back a little more to break the application down to its native functions and structures, and explore debugging and disassembly.

Breaking Objective-C Down

The sample HelloWorld program you were introduced to in Chapter 7 came in two flavors: a high-level Objective-C version, and a more low-level C version. The Objective-C version used the Objective-C syntax to invoke four messages on the SaySomething class: alloc, init, say, and release.

SaySomething *saySomething = [ [ SaySomething alloc ] init ];
  [ saySomething say: @"Hello, world!" ];
  [ saySomething release ];

These four messages were also demonstrated in C:

                objc_getClass("SaySomething"), NSSelectorFromString(@"alloc")),
         NSSelectorFromString(@"say:"), @"Hello, world!"),

The objc_msgSend function is probably the most significant component of the Objective-C framework, and is responsible for making the entire runtime do something. This function is used to send messages to objects ...

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