Images of a human brain with its main structures labeled.  Left image depicts the lateral view of the brain; right image depicts the horizontal section of the brain.

Plate 1 The gross anatomy of the human brain. The image on the left depicts the brain as seen from the side (if the eyes were present, they would be located on the right-hand side of this image); in the image on the right, the brain is viewed from above, as it would look if the top part of the skull and brain had been sliced off.

Source: Nucleus Medical Art/Visuals Unlimited/Science Photo Library.

A photograph of the left and right midsagittal sections of a brain. The brain's inner structures are revealed, including the corpus callosum and third ventricle.

Plate 2 Photograph of a healthy human brain cut into two halves. This brain has been sliced down the sagittal plane, into its left and right halves (imagine a straight line running from the nose to the back of the head, and slicing along this line). The cut reveals some of the brain's inner anatomy, including the corpus callosum and the third ventricle.

Source: Geoff Tompkinson/Science Photo Library.

An image of the structures of the limbic system from a superior posterolateral view. Cortical areas appear semitransparent and in different colors denoting different brain regions.

Plate 3 The limbic system. An artist's depiction of the limbic system, a network of brain regions that is particularly important for emotional functioning.

Source: Photo Library.

Image of a neuron with major parts labeled: a spherical–shaped structure (cell body) from which fingerlike projections (dendrites) radiate. Attached to a projection are a string of sausage–shaped beads (axons).

Plate 4 A human neuron. An artist's depiction of a typical human neuron with the main anatomical ...

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