System Colors
System colors represent colors used for native GUI controls. The colors are available as public static members of the java.awt.SystemColors class and, which are listed in Table 4-4.
Instance Name | Represents | Default Value |
activeCaption | Active caption background | Color(0,0,128) |
activeCaptionBorder | Active caption border | lightGray |
activeCaptionText | Active caption text | white |
control | Control background | lightGray |
controlDkShadow | Control dark shadow | black |
controlHighlight | Control highlight | white |
controlLtHighlight | Control light highlight | Color(224,224,224) |
controlShadow | Control shadow | gray |
controlText | Control text | black |
desktop | Desktop background | Color(0,92,92) |
inactiveCaption | Inactive ... |
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