Adding to Your Scene

If you've followed the steps up to this point, you have one snazzy-looking bench in your SketchUp world, but things around it look a little dull. You can fix that in a hurry by borrowing some components from the Components window (Windows → Components). Choose the Select tab, and then choose Landscape from the drop-down menu. Inside you find folders with names like Built Constructions or Exterior Furniture. Browse through the folders and drag out some additions to go along with your bench. You can find everything from arbors to picnic tables to water fountains. Experiment to see the wild variety SketchUp gives you, as in Figure 1-34. If you change your mind and want to remove a component, just select it and press Delete. If you're really adventurous, you can double-click your way into some of the other components to see how they're built.

Congratulations on building your first SketchUp model. Happy landscaping and exploring!

You can dress up any SketchUp model by adding prebuilt components. This scene includes plants, a water fountain, a picnic table, and a bench from the Landscape components group.

Figure 1-34. You can dress up any SketchUp model by adding prebuilt components. This scene includes plants, a water fountain, a picnic table, and a bench from the Landscape components group.

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