Google Apps Script Complete Course - Beginner to Advanced

Video description

This course will take you on a journey where you'll learn to power up your Google Suite products using Apps Script to connect, automate, and add advanced functionality. Apps Script allows you to power up your favorite Google apps and do more with them, way more. Automate, add functionality, use spreadsheet data, create documents, interact with email, generate reports, use data more effectively—the list of amazing things you can do with Google Apps Script is endless. Just like JavaScript, Apps Scripts are easy to write and use the same structure and core fundamental functionality as JavaScript. If you know JavaScript, you can get started with Apps Script in minutes. Functions, variables, loops, and more use the same syntax as JavaScript. With the added power of Google Classes, you can connect data from your Google apps and build on it. It's the easy way to power up your applications.

What You Will Learn

  • Create Google scripts to power Google apps
  • Use Google Script to add functionality, automation, and more to Google Docs Sheets plus


This course is designed for JavaScript developers, web developers, application developers, and App Script Google Script developers.

About The Author

Laurence Svekis: Laurence Svekis is an experienced web application developer. He has worked on multiple enterprise-level applications, hundreds of websites, business solutions, and many unique and innovative web applications. He has expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL and is also passionate about web technologies, web application development, programming, and online marketing with a strong focus on social media and SEO. He is always willing to help his students experience what technology has to offer and looks forward to sharing his knowledge and experiences with the world.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to using Google Script
    1. Introduction to Google Script
    2. Quick Start to Google Apps Script
    3. Apps Script Power Example
    4. IDE Integrated Development Environment
    5. First Script using online IDE and Google Script
    6. Google Script Classes
    7. JavaScript Introduction
  2. Chapter 2 : Google DocumentApp
    1. Explore Document - Class DocumentApp
    2. Get Document Contents
    3. Document Body Contents
    4. Document Body Updates
    5. Document Body Children
    6. Document Classes and Methods
    7. Simple Copy Doc Script
    8. DocumentApp Bound Script
    9. Base Values within Script
    10. HTML in Google Documents
    11. Bound Content Interaction
    12. Ranged elements in Document
    13. Translate Selected Content
    14. Search Content Replace With
    15. Find Content Update Attributes
    16. Content Selection Exercise
    17. DocumentApp Exercise
    18. DocumentApp Create Content
    19. insert Image DocumentApp
    20. DocumentApp Template Exercise
  3. Chapter 3 : Google Spreadsheet app
    1. StandAlone SpreadSheetApp
    2. Creating Content and Styling.
    3. Spreadsheet data to Doc Table
    4. Spreadsheet data dynamic
    5. SpreadSheet Tracker Exercise
    6. SpreadSheet Sheet Class
    7. From one sheet to another
    8. Bound Spreadsheet App
    9. Google Sheets Functions
    10. UI menu options Spreadsheet
    11. Spreadsheet UI Sidebar Modal
    12. Get Selected Content
    13. Exercise Cell Selection Add to Sheet
    14. Range to Another Sheet CopyTo
    15. Selecting Cell Values Loops
    16. Sidebar content HTML
    17. Script More UI options
    18. HTML to backend GS code
    19. Google Sheet content to Client Side
    20. Triggers OnEdit OnChange
    21. Exercise Google SpreadsheetApp.
    22. Exercise Generate Random Content
    23. Adding new Column
    24. Add Formulas Set Colors
    25. HTML modal to Spreadsheet
    26. Sheet Data to HTML file
    27. Get Sheet Data
    28. Run Script Client Side
    29. Response with Google Sheet Data
  4. Chapter 4 : Google Script Sites
    1. Introduction to Google Sites
    2. New Google Sites
    3. Publish Web App Google Script
    4. Google Site Scripting
    5. Google Script Web App html page
  5. Chapter 5 : Google Drive - DriveApp Class
    1. Google DriveApp Class
    2. Select Folder By ID
    3. Create Folder DriveApp
    4. DriveApp create File
    5. SpreadSheet with DriveApp Data
    6. Create Doc and Move it
    7. DriveApp Search
    8. DriveApp Search Files
    9. Google DriveApp searchFolders Params
    10. Add editors and Delete
    11. Redirect on search string
    12. Exercise WebApp Redirector
  6. Chapter 6 : Google GmailApp
    1. Introduction to Class GmailApp
    2. Make Draft GmailApp
    3. View your Draft Email
    4. Use HTML Template email
    5. Send out a bunch of Emails
    6. Chat Threads GmailApp
    7. Get Gmail Messages
  7. Chapter 7 : Calendar App Class
    1. Calendar App Service
    2. Add Location Info Calendar App
    3. Calendar Event with options
    4. Full Day events Calendar App
    5. Calendar App Event Series
    6. Calendar App Date Time
    7. Easy way to enter Events
    8. More Calendars
    9. Calendar Settings
    10. Get All Calendars
    11. Calendars By Name
    12. Calendar Events
    13. Calendar Events Explored
    14. Calendar Events into spreadsheet
    15. Google Calendar Events Invites No
    16. Send Weekly Calendar Events
    17. Review Google Script
  8. Chapter 8 : Exercise Google Script Image Uploader Project
    1. Apps Script Image Uploader project intro
    2. HTML Content Service
    3. HTML Content Template File
    4. HTML Content from File
    5. Create the HTML form
    6. Send Data to Google Script Backend
    7. Send Image to Google Script
    8. Image upload Tweaks
    9. Spreadsheet App tracking uploads
    10. Send Email notification
    11. Final Application Image Uploader
  9. Chapter 9 : Form auto Email responder
    1. Setup Google Form
    2. Spreadsheet Bound Script
    3. Google Script Setup Project triggers
    4. Setup Email to Send
    5. MailApp Send Email
    6. Email HTML template
    7. HTML Service replace content
    8. HTML to PDF and Attach it
    9. Send automatic emails
    10. iterate Sheet Data Send Emails
    11. Review and update code for project

Product information

  • Title: Google Apps Script Complete Course - Beginner to Advanced
  • Author(s): Laurence Svekis
  • Release date: August 2018
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781789613537