List of Listings
Chapter 1. Go and web applications
Chapter 2. Go ChitChat
Listing 2.1. A simple main function in main.go
Listing 2.2. The index handler function in main.go
Listing 2.3. ChitChat main.go source file
Listing 2.4. The authenticate handler function in route_auth.go
Listing 2.5. session utility function in util.go
Listing 2.6. The index handler function
Listing 2.7. layout.html template file
Listing 2.8. navbar.html template file
Listing 2.9. index.html template
Listing 2.10. The generateHTML function
Listing 2.11. The final index handler function
Listing 2.12. The Thread struct
Listing 2.13. setup.sql used to create database tables in PostgreSQL
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