Book description
Get up and running with SAS using Ron Cody’s easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide.Aimed at beginners, Getting Started with SAS Programming: Using SAS Studio in the Cloud uses short examples to teach SAS programming from the basics to more advanced topics in the point-and-click interactive environment of SAS Studio. To begin, you will learn how to register for SAS OnDemand for Academics, an online delivery platform for teaching and learning statistical analysis that provides free access to SAS software via the cloud.
The first part of the book shows you how to use SAS Studio built-in tasks to produce a report, summarize data, and create charts and graphs. It also describes how you can perform basic statistical tests using the interactive point-and-click environment.
The second part of the book uses easy-to-follow examples to show you how to write your own SAS programs and how to use SAS procedures to perform a variety of tasks. This part of the book also explains how to read data from a variety of sources: text files, Excel workbooks, and CSV files. In order to get familiar with the SAS Studio environment, this book also shows you how to access dozens of interesting data sets that are included with the SAS OnDemand for Academics platform.
Table of contents
- Contents
- About This Book
- About The Author
- Acknowledgements
- Part I: Getting Acquainted with the SAS Studio Environment
- Chapter 1: Introduction to SAS OnDemand for Academics
- Chapter 2: The SAS Studio Interface
- Chapter 3: Importing Your Own Data
- Chapter 4: Creating Reports
- Chapter 5: Summarizing Data Using SAS Studio
- Chapter 6: Graphing Data
- Part II: Learning How to Write Your Own SAS Programs
- Chapter 7: An Introduction to SAS Programming
- Chapter 8: Reading Data from External Files
- Chapter 9: Reading and Writing SAS Data Sets
Chapter 10: Creating Formats and Labels
- What Is a SAS Format and Why Is It Useful?
- Using SAS Built-in Formats
- More Examples to Demonstrate How to Write Formats
- Describing the Difference between a FORMAT Statement in a Procedure and a FORMAT Statement in a DATA Step
- Making Your Formats Permanent
- Creating Variable Labels
- Conclusion
- Problems
- Chapter 11: Performing Conditional Processing
- Chapter 12: Performing Iterative Processing: Looping
Chapter 13: Working with SAS Dates
- Introduction
- Reading Dates from Text Data
- Creating a SAS Date from Month, Day, and Year Values
- Describing a Date Constant
- Extracting the Day of the Week, Day of the Month, Month, and Year from a SAS Date
- Adding a Format to the Bar Chart
- Computing Age from Date of Birth: The YRDIF Function
- Conclusion
- Problems
Chapter 14: Subsetting and Combining SAS Data Sets
- Introduction
- Subsetting (Filtering) Data in a SAS Data Set
- Describing a WHERE= Data Set Option
- Describing a Subsetting IF Statement
- A More Efficient Way to Subset Data When Reading Raw Data
- Creating Several Data Subsets in One DATA Step
- Combining SAS Data Sets (Combining Rows)
- Adding a Few Observations to a Large Data Set (PROC APPEND)
- Interleaving Data Sets
- Merging Two Data Sets (Adding Columns)
- Controlling Which Observations Are Included in a Merge (IN= Data Set Option)
- Performing a One-to-Many or Many-to-One Merge
- Merging Two Data Sets with Different BY Variable Names
- Merging Two Data Sets with One Character and One Numeric BY Variable
- Updating a Master File from a Transaction File (UPDATE Statement)
- Conclusion
- Problems
Chapter 15: Describing SAS Functions
- Introduction
Describing Some Useful Numeric Functions
- Function Name: MISSING
- Function Name: N
- Function Name: NMISS
- Function Name: SUM
- Function Name: MEAN
- Function Name: MIN
- Function Name: MAX
- Function Name: SMALLEST
- Function Name: LARGEST
- Programming Example Using the N, NMISS, MAX, LARGEST, and MEAN Functions
- Function Name: INPUT
- Function Name: LAG
- Function Name: DIF
Describing Some Useful Character Functions
- Function Names: LENGTHN and LENGTHC
- Function Names: TRIMN and STRIP
- Function Names: UPCASE, LOWCASE, and PROPCASE (Functions That Change Case)
- Function Name: PUT
- Function Name: SUBSTRN (Newer Version of the SUBSTR Function)
- Function Names: FIND and FINDC
- Function Names: CAT, CATS, and CATX
- Function Names: COUNT and COUNTC
- Function Name: COMPRESS
- Function Name: SCAN
- Function Name: TRANWRD
- Conclusion
- Problems
- Chapter 16: Working with Multiple Observations per Subject
Chapter 17: Describing Arrays
- Introduction
- What Is an Array?
- Describing a Character Array
- Performing an Operation on Every Numeric Variable in a Data Set
- Performing an Operation on Every Character Variable in a Data Set
- Converting a Data Set with One Observation per Subject into a Data Set with Multiple Observations per Subject
- Converting a Data Set with Multiple Observations per Subject into a Data Set with One Observation per Subject
- Conclusion
- Problems
- Chapter 18: Displaying Your Data
Chapter 19: Summarizing Data with SAS Procedures
- Introduction
- Using PROC MEANS (with the Default Options)
- Using PROC MEANS Options to Customize the Summary Report
- Computing Statistics for Each Value of a BY Variable
- Using a CLASS Statement Instead of a BY Statement
- Including Multiple CLASS Variables with PROC MEANS
- Statistics Broken Down Every Way
- Using PROC MEANS to Create a Summary Data Set
- Letting PROC MEANS Name the Variables in the Output Data Set
- Creating a Summary Data Set with CLASS Variables
- Using a Formatted CLASS Variable
- Demonstrating PROC UNIVARIATE
- Conclusion
- Problems
- Chapter 20: Computing Frequencies
Product information
- Title: Getting Started with SAS Programming
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2021
- Publisher(s): SAS Institute
- ISBN: 9781953329189
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