Using get_text()

Getting just text from websites is a common task. Beautiful Soup provides the method get_text() for this purpose.

If we want to get only the text of a Beautiful Soup or a Tag object, we can use the get_text() method. For example:

html_markup = """<p class="ecopyramid">
<ul id="producers">
  <li class="producerlist">
    <div class="name">plants</div>
    <div class="number">100000</div>
  <li class="producerlist">
    <div class="name">algae</div>
    <div class="number">100000</div>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_markup,"lxml")



The get_text() method returns the text inside the Beautiful Soup or Tag object as a single Unicode string. But get_text() has issues when dealing with ...

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