Book description
Getting StartED with CSS takes a practical approach by showing you how to use CSS in simple stages, starting by changing the default appearance of HTML tags to improve the look of text and links.—By the end of the book you'll have a solid understanding of all the main aspects of CSS.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- About the Technical Reviewer
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
1. What Is CSS, and Why Should I Learn It?
- 1.1. A short history of CSS
- 1.2. What are the advantages of CSS?
- 1.3. So, how do I use CSS?
- 1.4. Learning to write CSS well
- 1.5. Chapter review
2. How Do I Improve the Look of Text and Links?
- 2.1. Exploring the CSS text properties
- 2.2. Changing the default font and color of text
- 2.3. Changing the size of fonts
- 2.4. Changing the look of fonts
2.5. Aligning and spacing text
- 2.5.1. Aligning text horizontally
- 2.5.2. Aligning text vertically
- 2.5.3. Indenting the first line of text
- 2.5.4. Adjusting the vertical space between lines of text
- 2.5.5. Adding or removing space between words
- 2.5.6. Increasing or decreasing the space between letters
- 2.5.7. Controlling whitespace and line wrapping
- 2.6. Styling text links
- 2.7. Using the font shorthand property
- 2.8. Chapter review
- 3. How Can I Improve the Layout of My Text?
4. How Can I Flow Text Around Images?
- 4.1. CSS classes 101
4.2. Using float to flow text around images
- 4.2.1. Creating generic classes to position images
- 4.2.2. How do I center an image?
- 4.2.3. What happens when the image is taller than the text?
- 4.2.4. Using clear to force elements below a floated image
- 4.2.5. What if an element is too wide to sit alongside a float?
- 4.2.6. What happens to margins alongside a float?
- 4.3. Using ID selectors to style unique elements
- 4.4. Adding a caption to an image
- 4.5. Chapter review
5. How Do I Add Backgrounds and Borders to Improve the Look of My Page?
- 5.1. Controlling backgrounds with CSS
5.2. Controlling borders with CSS
- 5.2.1. Setting a border color
- 5.2.2. Setting a border style
- 5.2.3. Setting a border width
- 5.2.4. Using border shorthand properties
- 5.2.5. Using borders to simulate embossing and indenting
- 5.2.6. Understanding how borders affect layout
- 5.2.7. How do I get rid of the blue border around link images?
- 5.2.8. How do I prevent backgrounds and borders from displaying under floats?
- 5.3. Chapter review
- 6. How Do I Solve the Mysteries of Width and Height?
- 7. How Do I Create Differently Styled Sections?
8. How Do I Style Lists and Navigation Menus?
- 8.1. Styling unordered and ordered lists
- 8.2. Changing layout with the display property
- 8.3. Creating a navigation bar from a list
- 8.4. How do I continue a numbered list after a break?
8.5. Using CSS to generate numbered sequences
- 8.5.1. Adding content with :before and :after
- 8.5.2. Adding images with pseudo-elements
- 8.5.3. Generating content from an HTML attribute
- 8.5.4. Using the content property to generate numbered sequences
- 8.5.5. Using generated content with numbered lists
- 8.5.6. Generating subsection numbers with nested lists
- 8.6. Chapter review
9. How Do I Style Tables?
- 9.1. Understanding the anatomy of a table
9.2. Styling tables with CSS
- 9.2.1. Using CSS for table borders
- 9.2.2. Adding borders to table cells
- 9.2.3. How do I stop border widths from being doubled?
- 9.2.4. Adding borders to columns and rows
- 9.2.5. Applying other styles to columns
- 9.2.6. What's the CSS equivalent of cellspacing?
- 9.2.7. What's the CSS equivalent of cellpadding?
- 9.2.8. Controlling the position of the table caption
- 9.2.9. Handling empty cells
- 9.2.10. How can I control the width of my table?
- 9.2.11. How do I create scrolling table cells that work in all browsers?
- 9.2.12. How do I control the position of content in table cells?
- 9.3. Chapter review
10. How Do I Position Elements Precisely on the Page?
- 10.1. How does CSS positioning work?
- 10.2. Fixing elements inside the browser window
- 10.3. Using relative positioning to nudge elements
10.4. Moving elements precisely with absolute positioning
- 10.4.1. Why do absolutely positioned elements move?
- 10.4.2. How do I center a page and use absolute positioning?
- 10.4.3. What happens if I nest absolutely positioned elements?
- 10.4.4. How do I control which element is on top when they overlap?
- 10.4.5. What are the drawbacks of using absolute positioning?
- 10.4.6. Positioning elements against a background image
- 10.5. Cropping an image nondestructively with CSS
- 10.6. Chapter review
11. Are There Any Guidelines for Basic Page Layout?
- 11.1. Getting the basics right
- 11.2. Creating a single-column layout
11.3. Creating a two-column layout
- 11.3.1. Putting the sidebar first and floating it to one side
- 11.3.2. Using a background image to simulate equal columns
- 11.3.3. What happens if the sidebar is longer?
- 11.3.4. Adding a "skip to main content" link for screen readers
- 11.3.5. Putting the main content first
- 11.3.6. How do I make a more flexible two-column layout?
- 11.4. Creating a three-column layout
- 11.5. Table-related display—the future of layout?
- 11.6. Chapter review
- 12. How Do I Create Styles for Printing?
A. CSS Properties and Selectors
- A.1. Specifying property values
A.2. CSS2.1 Properties
- A.2.1. Background properties
A.2.2. Border properties
- A.2.2.1. border-color
- A.2.2.2. border-style
- A.2.2.3. border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left
- A.2.2.4. border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, border-left-color
- A.2.2.5. border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style
- A.2.2.6. border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, border-left-width
- A.2.2.7. border-width
- A.2.2.8. border
- A.2.3. Box model properties
- A.2.4. Display and visibility properties
- A.2.5. Float properties
- A.2.6. Generated content properties
- A.2.7. List properties
- A.2.8. Positioning properties
- A.2.9. Print properties
- A.2.10. Table properties
A.2.11. Text properties
- A.2.11.1. color
- A.2.11.2. direction
- A.2.11.3. font-family
- A.2.11.4. font-size
- A.2.11.5. font-style
- A.2.11.6. font-variant
- A.2.11.7. font-weight
- A.2.11.8. font
- A.2.11.9. letter-spacing
- A.2.11.10. line-height
- A.2.11.11. text-align
- A.2.11.12. text-decoration
- A.2.11.13. text-indent
- A.2.11.14. text-transform
- A.2.11.15. unicode-bidi
- A.2.11.16. vertical-align
- A.2.11.17. white-space
- A.2.11.18. word-spacing
- A.2.12. User interface properties
A.3. Selectors
A.3.1. CSS2.1 selectors
- A.3.1.1. Universal selector
- A.3.1.2. Type selectors
- A.3.1.3. Class selectors
- A.3.1.4. Pseudo-classes
- A.3.1.5. Pseudo-elements
- A.3.1.6. ID selectors
- A.3.1.7. Descendant selectors
- A.3.1.8. Child selectors
- A.3.1.9. Adjacent sibling selectors
- A.3.1.10. Attribute selectors
- A.3.1.11. Grouping selectors
- A.3.1.12. Building complex selectors
- A.3.2. Widely-supported CSS3 selectors
A.3.1. CSS2.1 selectors
Product information
- Title: Getting StartED with CSS
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2009
- Publisher(s): Apress
- ISBN: 9781430225430
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