
When people think of using their own money for their business, often “savings” are both what they consider and what they consider to be the stumbling block. Either they do not have enough saved up to make a difference or they are afraid of spending their nest egg. While the former is certainly understandable, the latter is less so in this context. If you want to start a business, the drive must be so strong that even your own bank account cannot get in your way. If it does, if the risk is too much, that is understandable, but can also be a sign that entrepreneurship may not be for you.

That said, it is important to understand that there is more than one way to skin a cat. People have all sorts of assets, not just savings. Mutual funds, stocks, bonds, CDs, pieces of art, antiques, old cars, new cars, baseball cards—all can be liquidated to serve your needs.

And of course there are all sorts of ways and places to sell your assets: an estate sale, Craigslist, eBay, a consignment store, the newspaper, and specialty newspapers and magazines, to name a few.

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