radians, 924
definition of, 925
measure, 925
randomized algorithms, 732
randomized linear algorithms, 809
function, 45, 77
inverse trigonometric functions, 945–946
triangles, 175, 176
trigonometric functions, 931
accuracy, 254–255, 264
effectiveness, 254
line and curve on grid, 254
polynomial curve and line
intersection, 253–255
polynomial curve intersections, 263–264
two curves on grid, 264
rational polynomial curves 2D, 185
3D, 357
rational polynomial surfaces, 359, 519
ray intersections
with circular components, 248
with cone, 515–519
with cylinder, 507–512
with disk, 493
with ellipsoid, 504–507
with NURBS surface, 520
with OBB, 632
with parametric ...

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