List of Figures

1.1Example of the use of geometric algebra
1.2Code to generate Figure 1.1
1.3Example of the use of geometric algebra
1.4The outer product and its interpretations
2.1Spanning homogeneous subspaces in a 3-D vector space
2.2Imagining vector addition
2.3Bivector representations
2.4Imagining bivector addition in 2-D space
2.5Bivector addition in 3-D space
2.6The associativity of the outer product
2.7Solving linear equations with bivectors
2.8Intersecting lines in the plane
2.9Code for drawing bivectors
2.10Drawing bivectors screenshot (Example 1)
2.11The orientation of front- and back-facing polygons
2.12A wire-frame torus with and without backface culling
2.13The code that renders a model from its 2-D vertices (Exercise 2)
2.14 ...

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