Chapter 3. Phone Calls

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You’ll learn to:

  • Use the dialer and Contacts app to make calls

  • Use Favorites as your speed dialer

  • Manage, add, and delete contacts

  • Use the S5 for conference calls

  • Use caller ID, call forwarding, and call waiting

THE SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 can do so much, you may forget it’s a phone as well. Among all the amazing things this device can do, though, it’s great for making phone calls. When texting just won’t do, the Galaxy S5 offers everything from simple voice calls to nifty features like visual voicemail and call waiting—and that’s what you’ll learn in this chapter.

Once you see by the bars in the Galaxy S5’s upper-right corner that you’ve got cellular reception, you’re ready to make calls. You can place a call in any of five ways. Don’t be daunted by the variety—all methods are easy, including a “Look, Ma, no hands” approach to calls that lets you call someone by talking into the phone rather than by using your fingers to tap keys.

Placing a Phone Call

THE GALAXY S5’S PHONE App is Command Central for making phone calls. On the Home screen, tap the phone icon (at lower left). The Phone app opens, with four buttons at the top, representing the four ways you can make a call:

  • Keypad. You’ll be pleased to see that the virtual buttons on this dialer are a whole lot bigger and easier to tap than the cramped keypads on most cellphones. Even if you have fat fingers or iffy coordination, ...

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