Conference Calling

HERE’S A FANCY PHONE trick that’s great for business as well as personal use—conference calls. Sitting at a Starbucks, but want people on the other end to think you’re in an office with a fancy phone system? The Galaxy S II lets you conference in multiple people with no extra charges or software, depending on your carrier. And you can also use it for conferencing in friends when you’re all trying to decide whether to meet at 6 p.m. before the Red Sox game so you can catch Big Papi at batting practice.


You can talk with two other people simultaneously on conference calls, but no more.

To make a conference call, first make a call as you would normally. Then tap “Add call.” The Galaxy S II places the second call and switches you to it. When the person answers, you’ll see a visual representation of both calls. Tap either picture to switch to that line. To create a conference call, tap Merge. To end the entire conference call, end the call as you would normally.

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