References and Notes


1       Zeldin, T (1994) An Intimate History of Humanity, Sinclair-Stevenson, London, p334


1       Ridley, M (1996) The Origins of Virtue, Viking, London

2       Salman Rushdie, cited by van den Berg, M and van Ojik, B (1997) in Rarer than Rubies: Reflections on Dutch Development Co-operation, NOVIB, The Hague

3       Cited in Goulet, D (1995) Development Ethics, Zed Books, London, p19

4       Ormerod, P (1994) The Death of Economics, Faber, London

5       UNDP (1997) Human Development Report, New York

6       The UK Government announced small increases in the aid budget in 1998 and 1999

7       Maren, M (1997) The Road to Hell: the ravaging effects of foreign aid and international charity, The Free Press, ...

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