Chapter 19. Architecture Decisions

One of the core expectations of an architect is to make architecture decisions. Architecture decisions usually involve the structure of the application or system, but they may involve technology decisions as well, particularly when those technology decisions impact architecture characteristics. Whatever the context, a good architecture decision is one that helps guide development teams in making the right technical choices. Making architecture decisions involves gathering enough relevant information, justifying the decision, documenting the decision, and effectively communicating that decision to the right stakeholders.

Architecture Decision Anti-Patterns

There is an art to making architecture decisions. Not surprisingly, several architecture anti-patterns emerge when making decisions as an architect. The programmer Andrew Koenig defines an anti-pattern as something that seems like a good idea when you begin, but leads you into trouble. Another definition of an anti-pattern is a repeatable process that produces negative results. The three major architecture anti-patterns that can (and usually do) emerge when making architecture decisions are the Covering Your Assets anti-pattern, the Groundhog Day anti-pattern, and the Email-Driven Architecture anti-pattern. These three anti-patterns usually follow a progressive flow: overcoming the Covering Your Assets anti-pattern leads to the Groundhog Day anti-pattern, and overcoming this anti-pattern leads ...

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