Fundamentals of Metadata Management

Book description

Whether it's to adhere to regulations, access markets by meeting specific standards, or devise data analytics and AI strategies, companies today are busy implementing metadata repositories—metadata tools about the data, information, and knowledge in your company. Until now, most of these repositories have been implemented in isolation from one another, but this practice is at the core of problems with metadata management at large in many companies today.

Author Ole Olesen-Bagneux, chief evangelist at Zeenea, shows you how to masterfully manage your metadata repositories by properly coordinating them. That will help you and your organization democratize data and excel at metadata management. Coordination must be facilitated by an entirely new kind of team—the data discovery team—that will increase insights for all key players in enterprise metadata management, from the CIO and CDO to the enterprise and data architects of the company.

This book shows you how.

  • Understand what metadata repositories are and what they do
  • Learn what data, information, and knowledge should be represented in metadata repositories
  • Learn how these repositories should be managed and coordinated
  • Make data searchable by setting up a data discovery team
  • Increase innovation by setting up a functional data marketplace
  • Make information security and data protection more robust
  • Solidify compliance on data lineage and retention
  • Activate real enterprise architecture based on evidence
  • Get a firmer, deeper understanding of your company IT landscape

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Table of contents

  1. Brief Table of Contents (Not Yet Final)
  2. 1. Toward Holistic Metadata Management
    1. Metadata Management Reinterpreted
    2. Data, Information, and Knowledge Management
    3. The Data Discovery Team
    4. The Meta Grid - the third wave of data decentralization
      1. Learning from hexagonal architectures toward a Meta Grid
    5. Summary
  3. 2. Metadata Repositories for Data, Information, and Knowledge Management
    1. The Many Waves of Metadata Repositories
    2. What Is Metadata?
    3. What is a metadata repository depicting your IT Landscape?
      1. From Data over Information to Knowledge
      2. What the metadata repositories of your IT landscape are not
      3. Competition, IT operations and data regulations foster metadata repositories
      4. Core, Peripheral and External Capabilities
      5. Several metadata repositories depict the same thing
      6. Coordinate, don’t harmonize metadata repositories
      7. Metadata repositories at various levels and for endless purposes
    4. Summary
  4. 3. Data
    1. Endpoint Management System
    2. Integration Repository
    3. Data Catalog
    4. Asset Management System
    5. Database Model Management
    6. Configuration Management Database
    7. IT Service Management
    8. Enterprise Architecture Tool (EAM)
    9. The Ideal Setup of Data Metadata Repositories
      1. Overlapping Peripheral Capabilities for Data Metadata Repositories
    10. Summary
  5. 4. Information
    1. Why metadata repositories for information?
    2. Records and Information Management Systems
      1. The Organizational Aspect of RIMS
      2. RIMS as a Metadata Repository
      3. Main driver for RIMS and vendors
    3. Information Security Management System
      1. The organizational aspect of ISMS
      2. ISMS as a metadata repository
      3. Main driver for the ISMS and vendors
    4. General Data Protection Repository
      1. Organizational aspect of DPR
      2. The DPR as a Metadata Repository
      3. Main driver for the DPR and a comment about vendors
    5. Business Process Management Software
      1. Main driver for the BPMS
    6. The Ideal Setup of Information Metadata Repositories
      1. Overlapping Peripheral Capabilities for Information Metadata Repositories
    7. Summary
  6. About the Author

Product information

  • Title: Fundamentals of Metadata Management
  • Author(s): Ole Olesen-Bagneux
  • Release date: August 2025
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781098162825