Appendix C

Tutorial for Compiling and Debugging A C-Program Using the MPLAB

The C-programs in this book are compiled using Microchip's C18 compiler. Appendix C provides a tutorial showing step-by-step procedure to download the C18 compiler from Microchip's web site (, and compile a simple C-program using the MPLAB C18 compiler v3.47. Microchip introduces newer versions of the C18 compiler frequently. One may download the C18 v3.47 from the archive or a newer version from Microchip website.

Compiling A C- language program using MPLAB

First download MPLAB v3.47 from Microchip website as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. Type in C18 v3.47 in the “Search Microchip” and hit return.
  3. Click on MPLAB C for PIC18 v3.47 in lite mode.

After installing and downloading the program, you will see the following icon on your desktop:


Double click (right) on the MPLAB icon and wait until you see the following screen:


Next, click on ‘Project’ and then ‘Project Wizard’, the following screen will appear:


Click Next, the following screen shot will be displayed:


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