Chapter 3. Designing Good Data Architecture

Good data architecture provides seamless capabilities across every step of the data lifecycle and undercurrent. We’ll begin by defining data architecture and then discuss components and considerations. We’ll then touch on specific batch patterns (data warehouses, data lakes), streaming patterns, and patterns that unify batch and streaming. Throughout, we’ll emphasize leveraging the capabilities of the cloud to deliver scalability, availability, and reliability.

What Is Data Architecture?

Successful data engineering is built upon rock-solid data architecture. This chapter aims to review a few popular architecture approaches and frameworks, and then craft our opinionated definition of what makes “good” data architecture. Indeed, we won’t make everyone happy. Still, we will lay out a pragmatic, domain-specific, working definition for data architecture that we think will work for companies of vastly different scales, business processes, and needs.

What is data architecture? When you stop to unpack it, the topic becomes a bit murky; researching data architecture yields many inconsistent and often outdated definitions. It’s a lot like when we defined data engineering in Chapter 1—there’s no consensus. In a field that is constantly changing, this is to be expected. So what do we mean by data architecture for the purposes of this book? Before defining the term, it’s essential to understand the context in which it sits. Let’s briefly cover enterprise ...

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