Chapter 2

Getting and Using Python


Check Obtaining and using Python

Check Downloading and installing the datasets and example code

Check Running an application

Check Writing Python code

As mentioned in Chapter 1, Python is a flexible language that supports multiple coding styles, including an implementation of the functional programming paradigm. However, Python’s implementation is impure because it does support the other coding styles. Consequently, you choose between flexibility and the features that functional programming can provide when you choose Python. Many developers choose flexibility (and therefore Python), but there is no right or wrong choice — just the choice that works best for you. This chapter helps you set up, configure, and become familiar with Python so that you can use it in the book chapters that follow.

Warning This book uses Anaconda 5.1, which supports Python 3.6.4. If you use a different distribution, some of the procedural steps in the book will likely fail to work as expected, ...

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