For most of us, when the topic of learning or education comes up in conversation, we tend to gloss over and think of it as an activity that is boring and separate from the rest of our daily lives. Are you like that?
After all, most of us spent a significant portion of our youngest years getting up early in the morning and then going off to be educated. We couldn't wait for most days to end so we could stop being educated. How many people at your high school had to be dragged out of the building on the last day because they didn't want to leave?
Contrast that with the fact that I know of no successful marketers or business people that have a segmented view of education and learning. Instead we see everyday life with its successes, failures, and opportunities as an ongoing source of not just education and learning, but also for inspired creativity.
For example, it never fails that if I go to looking for advice on a specific topic, or even just to view a new video that someone has referred me to, I inevitably wind up finding other material that contains a marketing lesson for me. Even while watching television commercials I can learn a great deal about marketing if I pay attention to the words and images that are being used by an industry that pours billions of dollars into researching which words and images work best.
When it comes to being a successful marketer, your greatest asset is your own creativity. The most ...
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