Chapter 20


1 The author wishes to thank Matthijs Cornelissen, R. K. Naidu, Ashok Nirpharake, Namita Pande, Sunand Sane and Shankar Talghatti for their helpful suggestions and comments on earlier drafts of this essay.

2 For an English translation of the Gītārahasya, see B. C. Sukthankar (1936/1971).

3 Tilak knew Sri Aurobindo personally; indeed they were close colleagues in radical national politics. However, given that Tilak wrote Gītārahasya while in prison in Mandalay from 1908-1914, he could not have known about Sri Aurobindo's writings on the Veda which were published during the 1914-1920 period. It is conceivable that Tilak (1856-1920), a well-known scholar of the Vedas, may have been aware of the deeper, mystical implications of the ...

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