9. Algorithm Summary
There are three defining characteristics of the algorithms we have introduced in this book. First, is an algorithm on-policy or off-policy? Second, what types of action spaces can it be applied to? And third, what functions does it learn?
REINFORCE, SARSA, A2C, and PPO are all on-policy algorithms, whereas DQN and Double DQN + PER are off-policy. SARSA, DQN, and Double DQN + PER are value-based algorithms that learn to approximate the Qπ function. Consequently, they are only applicable to environments with discrete action spaces.
REINFORCE is a pure policy-based algorithm and so only learns a policy π. A2C and PPO are hybrid methods which learn a policy π and the Vπ function. REINFORCE, A2C, and PPO can all be applied to ...
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