Appendix A. Evaluating the Current Flow Market
In this appendix, we will use our Wardley Map model and capture the current state of the market in terms of the components defined there.
How We’ll Evaluate Each Component
For each component, I will:
Define the component’s scope and responsibility in a little more detail
Provide a primary promise that the component makes to each of the components that directly depends on it
Describe some of the technologies and vendors that fulfill all or some of this promise, and highlight differentiating promises where interesting
This is in no way to capture a comprehensive list of the technologies that meet these objectives. The aim of this appendix is simply to explore the state of event-driven integration technologies today.
Each component section will be organized as follows:
Provide a short, general definition of the component
Describe a concise but highly generalized promise description for the component to its consumers in general
Describe specific promises between the components and its dependents in the Wardley Map
List example technologies, including general architectural patterns, open source implementations, and commercial products that demonstrate ways in which the component’s promises can be satisfied
Call out any specific differentiated promises that are of note to the discussion
Describe the evolutionary state of the example on our Wardley scale
Use the group of examples to support the placement of the component on the ...
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