As with my first two books, this book is an elaborate opinion piece. It’s based on my personal vision and unique perspective on where the puck is heading. If I’m even remotely right about what I say, then the ideas, strategies, and recommendations in this book can be truly transformational for business in general—perhaps even your business. And I’m not talking about business as usual. I slay sacred cows, even purple ones. I’ve found that people play it safe too often. They don’t make a decision. They’re afraid to stick their necks out. I’m not like that, and I hope you appreciate it.
The preceding paragraph is also my way of saying that I’m not professing to be any kind of CRM, one-to-one, loyalty, retention, customer, service, or e-mail marketing expert per se. That just might be a good thing; it allows me to come into this discovery process or journey without prejudice, bias, or baggage. As with marketing in general (ever heard the line “advertising isn’t rocket science?”), I believe that treating customers well, remembering their names, respecting their loyalty, rewarding and recognizing their repeat business, and finally, harnessing their untapped potential as advocates, salespeople, and affiliates are all COMMON SENSE. So while I won’t elaborate on the various technologies, systems, and convoluted so-called solutions in this space, I will offer strategic guidance and frameworks that I think need to be in place to support any subsequent investment thereafter. ...

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