Flash CS6: The Missing Manual

Book description

You can build everything from simple animations to full-fledged iPhone, iPad, and Android apps with Flash CS6, but learning this complex program can be difficult—unless you have this fully updated, bestselling guide. Learn how to create gorgeous Flash effects even if you have no programming experience. With Flash CS6: The Missing Manual, you’ll move from the basics to power-user tools with ease.

The important stuff you need to know:

  • Learn animation basics. Turn simple ideas into stunning animations—in the very first chapter.
  • Master Flash’s tools. Learn the animation and effects tools with clear explanations and hands-on examples.
  • Use 3D effects. Rotate objects and make them move in three dimensions.
  • Create lifelike motion. Use the IK Bones tool to simulate realistic body movements and other linked motions.
  • Build apps that work anywhere. Create apps just for iOS or Android devices—or one app that works on mobile devices and desktops.
  • Add multimedia. Incorporate your own audio and video files into Flash.
  • Create rich interactive animations. Dive into advanced interactivity with easy-to-learn ActionScript examples.

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Table of contents

  1. Flash CS6: The Missing Manual
  2. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
  3. The Missing Credits
    1. About the Author
    2. About the Creative Team
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. The Missing Manual Series
  4. Introduction
    1. What’s New in Flash Professional CS6
    2. Animation ABCs
    3. Flash in a Nutshell
    4. The Very Basics
    5. About This Book
      1. Macintosh and Windows
      2. About the Outline
      3. About→These→Arrows
    6. About the Online Resources
      1. Missing CD
      2. Registration
      3. Feedback
      4. Errata
    7. Safari® Books Online
  5. 1. Creating a Flash Animation
    1. 1. Getting Around Flash
      1. Starting Flash
      2. A Tour of the Flash Workspace
        1. Menu Bar
        2. The Stage
        3. The Timeline
      3. Panels and Toolbars
        1. Toolbars
        2. Tools Panel
          1. Selection and Drawing Tools
          2. View Tools
          3. Color Tools
          4. Options Tools
        3. Properties Panel
          1. Properties Subpanels
        4. Library Panel
        5. Other Flash Panels
      4. The Flash CS6 Test Drive
        1. Open a Flash File
        2. Explore the Properties Panel
        3. Resize the Stage
        4. Zoom In and Out
        5. Make It Move
        6. Play an Animation
        7. Save a File
    2. 2. Creating Simple Drawings
      1. Plan Before You Draw
        1. Creating a Storyboard
        2. Five Questions for a Better Result
      2. Preparing to Draw
        1. Setting Document Properties
          1. Changing the Size of the Stage
        2. Adding Measurement Guides
      3. Drawing a Shape
      4. Choosing a Drawing Mode
        1. Merge Drawing Mode
          1. When to Use Merge Drawing Mode
        2. Object Drawing Mode
          1. When to Use Object Drawing Mode
        3. Using Merge Mode and Object Mode Together
        4. Selecting Objects on the Stage
          1. Selection Tool (Shortcut Key: V)
          2. Subselection Tool (Shortcut Key: A)
          3. Lasso Tool
        5. Essential Drawing Terms
      5. Creating Original Artwork
        1. Drawing and Painting with Tools
          1. Line Tool
          2. Pencil Tool
          3. Pen Tool
          4. Brush Tool
          5. Arranging Drawn Objects Forward and Backward
          6. Shape Tools: Oval, Rectangle, and PolyStar
        2. Aligning Objects with the Align Tools
        3. Erasing Mistakes with the Eraser Tool
          1. Configuring the Eraser
          2. Cutting Out an Irregular Shape from Another Object
      6. Copying and Pasting Drawn Objects
      7. Adding Color
        1. Changing the Color of a Stroke (Line)
          1. Coloring Strokes with the Properties Panel
          2. Coloring Strokes with the Ink Bottle Tool
        2. Changing the Color of a Fill
          1. Coloring Fills with the Properties Panel
          2. Coloring Fills with the Paint Bucket Tool
    3. 3. Animate Your Art
      1. Frame-by-Frame Animation
        1. Creating a Frame-by-Frame Animation
        2. Test Your Frame-by-Frame Animation
      2. Editing Your Frame-by-Frame Animation
        1. Selecting Frames and Keyframes
        2. Inserting and Deleting Keyframes and Frames
          1. Inserting Keyframes
          2. Inserting Static Frames
          3. Clearing a Keyframe
          4. Deleting Frames
      3. Making It Move with Motion Tweens
        1. Tweening a Symbol’s Dimension Properties
          1. Changing Dimensions with the Transform Tool
        2. Copying and Pasting Frames
        3. Reversing Frames in a Frame Span
      4. Editing the Motion Path
        1. Moving the Motion Path
        2. Adding Curves to the Motion Path
        3. Moving End Points on the Motion Path
        4. Copying and Pasting a Motion Path
      5. Copying and Pasting Properties
      6. Shape Tweening (Morphing)
        1. Shape Hints
        2. Using Multiple Layers for Shape Tweens
        3. Classic Tween
  6. 2. Advanced Drawing and Animation
    1. 4. Organizing Frames and Layers
      1. Working with Frames
        1. Copying and Pasting Frames
        2. Moving Frames and Keyframes
        3. Editing Multiple Frames
      2. Working with Multiple Layers
        1. Showing and Hiding Layers
          1. Hiding a Layer
          2. Showing a Layer
          3. Hiding (or Showing) All Layers Except the One You’re Editing
        2. Working with Layers
        3. Renaming Layers
        4. Copying and Pasting Layers
        5. Reordering (Moving) Layers
        6. Deleting a Layer
        7. Locking and Unlocking Layers
      3. Organizing Layers
        1. Outline View
        2. Organizing Layers with Folders
          1. Creating Layer Folders
          2. Deleting a Layer Folder
      4. Spotlight Effect Using Mask Layers
    2. 5. Advanced Drawing and Coloring
      1. Selecting Graphic Elements
        1. The Selection Tool
          1. Selecting a Graphic Element
          2. Selecting Part of a Shape or Object
          3. Moving and Reshaping (Transforming) with the Selection Tool
        2. The Subselection Tool
        3. The Lasso Tool
          1. Freehand Selecting with the Lasso
          2. Polygon Selecting with the Lasso
          3. Combining Freehand and Polygon Modes
          4. Selecting Ranges of Color in Bitmaps with the Magic Wand
      2. Manipulating Graphic Elements
        1. Modifying Object Properties
        2. Moving, Cutting, Pasting, and Copying
          1. Moving Graphics
          2. Cutting Graphics
          3. Copying Graphics
          4. Pasting Graphics
        3. Transforming Objects
          1. Scaling Objects
          2. Rotating Objects
          3. Skewing Objects
          4. Distorting Objects
          5. Applying an Envelope Transform
        4. Moving and Rotating Objects in 3-D
          1. Rotating (Transforming) Objects Three-Dimensionally
          2. Moving (Translating) Objects in Three Dimensions
          3. Adjusting the Perspective and Vanishing Point in 3-D
        5. Stacking Objects
        6. Converting Strokes to Fills
        7. Aligning Objects
          1. Snapping
          2. Guide Layers
      3. Spray Painting Symbols
      4. Drawing with the Deco Tool
      5. Advanced Color and Fills
        1. Color Basics
        2. RGB and HSB
        3. Creating Custom Colors
        4. Specifying Colors for ActionScript
        5. Saving Color Swatches
        6. Using an Image as a Fill “Color”
        7. Applying a Gradient
        8. Importing a Custom Color Palette
        9. Copying Color with the Eyedropper
    3. 6. Choosing and Formatting Text
      1. Text Questions
      2. Choosing TLF or Classic Text
        1. Choose a Text Type
          1. TLF Text Types
          2. Classic Text Types
      3. About Typefaces and Fonts
      4. Adding Text to Your Document
        1. Changing Text Position, Height, and Width
        2. Rotating, Skewing, and Moving in 3-D
        3. Changing Text Color
        4. Creating a Text Hyperlink
        5. Creating a Hyperlink Using Classic Text
      5. Choosing and Using Text Containers
        1. Creating Vertical Text Containers
        2. Multiline and Single-Line Text Containers
        3. Applying Advanced Formatting to Text
          1. TLF Text Typography
          2. Classic Text Typography
        4. Create a Multicolumn Text Container
        5. Flow Text from One Container to Another
          1. Disconnect Flowing Text
      6. Animating Text Without ActionScript
        1. Experimenting with Animated Text
        2. Moving Text in Three Dimensions
      7. Text Properties by Subpanel
        1. Text Engine Properties
        2. Position and Size
        3. 3D Position and View (TLF Text Only)
        4. Character
        5. Advanced Character (TLF Text Only)
        6. Paragraph
        7. Options (Classic Text Only)
        8. Container and Flow (TLF Text Only)
        9. Color Effect (TLF Text Only)
        10. Display (TLF Text Only)
        11. Filters
    4. 7. Reusable Flash: Symbols and Templates
      1. Symbols and Instances
        1. Graphic Symbols
          1. Converting an Existing Image to a Graphic Symbol
          2. Creating a Graphic Symbol in Symbol Editing Mode
          3. Using a Graphic Symbol (Creating an Instance of a Graphic Symbol)
          4. Editing an Instance of a Graphic Symbol
          5. Editing a Graphic Symbol
          6. Deleting a Graphic Symbol
        2. Multiframe Graphic Symbols
          1. Creating a Multiframe Graphic Symbol
          2. Creating an Instance of a Multiframe Graphic Symbol
          3. Editing an Instance of a Multiframe Graphic Symbol
          4. Editing a Multiframe Graphic Symbol
          5. Deleting a Multiframe Graphic Symbol
        3. Movie Clip Symbols
          1. Creating a Movie Clip Symbol
          2. Creating an Instance of a Movie Clip Symbol
          3. Editing a Movie Clip Symbol
          4. Editing an Instance of a Movie Clip Symbol
        4. Button Symbols
          1. Creating a Button Symbol
          2. Using a Button Symbol (Creating an Instance of a Button Symbol)
          3. Editing an Instance of a Button Symbol
          4. Editing a Button Symbol
      2. Templates
        1. Opening a Prebuilt Template
        2. Customizing the Photo Album Template
        3. Create Your Own Template
    5. 8. Advanced Tweens with the Motion Editor
      1. Applying Motion Presets
        1. Saving a Custom Motion Preset
          1. Deleting Motion Presets
      2. Modifying a Motion Preset
        1. Changing the Motion Path
        2. Deleting a Motion Path
        3. Copying and Pasting a Motion Path
        4. Orienting Tweened Objects to a Motion Path
          1. Other Things You Can Do in the Rotation Subpanel
        5. Swapping the Tweened Object
      3. Editing a Tween Span
        1. Viewing and Editing Property Keyframes in the Timeline
        2. Copying Properties Between Property Keyframes
      4. A Tour of the Motion Editor
        1. Workflow for Common Tweens
        2. Adding and Removing Property Keyframes
        3. Moving Property Keyframes
        4. Fine-Tuning Property Changes
        5. Adding and Removing Color Effects
        6. Using Filters in Tweens
        7. Customizing Your Motion Editor View
          1. Getting the Best View Property Graphs
      5. Changing Transparency with the Motion Editor
      6. Easing Tweens
        1. Applying an Ease Preset
        2. Creating a Custom Ease Preset
    6. 9. Realistic Animation with IK Bones
      1. Linking Symbols with Bones
        1. Changing the Pose Layer
        2. Creating Branching Armatures
        3. Controlling the Degree of Rotation
        4. Moving Bones
        5. Repositioning Symbol Instances
        6. Changing the Length of a Bone
        7. Deleting Bones
      2. Perfect Posing with Control Handles
      3. Baby Steps with Pins
      4. Making Shapes Move with Bones
        1. Working with Control Points
      5. Apply Spring to a Motion
      6. Animating an Armature with ActionScript
    7. 10. Incorporating Non-Flash Media Files
      1. Importing Graphics
      2. Importing Illustrator Graphics Files
      3. Importing Photoshop Graphic Files
        1. Import Options for Bitmaps
        2. Import Options for Text
        3. Other Photoshop Import Options
      4. Importing Fireworks Graphics
      5. Editing Bitmaps
        1. Turning Bitmaps into Fills
        2. Turning Bitmaps into Vectors
          1. Turning Bitmaps into Symbols
      6. Editing Bitmaps with Photoshop
      7. Importing a Series of Graphics Files
      8. Exporting Graphics from Flash
    8. 11. Incorporating Sound and Video
      1. Incorporating Sound
        1. Importing Sound Files
        2. Adding an Imported Sound to a Frame (or Series of Frames)
        3. Editing Sound Clips in Flash
      2. Incorporating Video
        1. Encoding: Making Flash Video Files
          1. Batch Encoding to Save Time
        2. Encoding Part of a Video Clip
        3. Resizing and Cropping a Video Clip
          1. Cropping a Video While Encoding
        4. Adding Cue Points to Your Video
        5. Other Techniques for Reducing Video File Sizes
          1. Video Techniques for Reducing File Sizes
          2. Encoding Techniques for Reducing File Sizes
        6. Preparing to Import Video Files
      3. Importing Video Files
        1. Importing a Flash Video File Stored on Your Computer
          1. Deploying Your Flash Video on the Web
        2. Importing a Flash Video from the Web
        3. Customizing the Video Playback Component
  7. 3. Adding Interactivity
    1. 12. Introduction to ActionScript 3.0
      1. Getting to Know ActionScript 3.0
        1. The Flash/ActionScript Partnership
        2. ActionScript 3.0
        3. ActionScript vs. JavaScript and Other Languages
        4. ActionScript 3.0 Spoken Here
      2. Beginning Your ActionScript Project
        1. Writing ActionScript Code in the Timeline
        2. Using the Script Pane Toolbar
        3. Writing Code in an ActionScript File
      3. Object-Oriented Thinking
        1. ActionScript Classes
        2. Changing an Object’s Properties
        3. Functions and Methods Put the Action in ActionScript
        4. Events
      4. Using Data Types, Variables, and Constants
        1. Numbers
          1. Number
          2. Int
          3. Uint
          4. Numbers and Operators
          5. Precedence and Parentheses
        2. Strings
          1. Strings and Operators
        3. Boolean
          1. Booleans and Operators
        4. Arrays
        5. ActionScript Built-In Data Types
        6. Variables
          1. Declaring Variables
        7. Constants
          1. Declaring Constants
      5. Conditionals and Loops
        1. Conditionals: if() and switch() Statements
          1. If() Statements Test a Condition
          2. If…Else if Statements Choose from Many Options
          3. Switch() Statements Choose from Many Options
        2. Loops: while() and for() Statements
          1. While() Statements Repeat Tasks as Long as a Condition is Met
          2. For() Statements Repeat Tasks a Specific Number of Times
      6. Combining ActionScript’s Building Blocks
    2. 13. Controlling Actions with Events
      1. How Events Work
      2. Mouse Events
      3. Getting Help for Events and Event Listeners
        1. Creating a Rollover with a Mouse Event
        2. Add Statements to an Event Listener
          1. Applying Mouse Events to Other Projects
      4. Creating a Tabbed Window with Mouse Events
        1. Setting the Stage for Tabbed Folder Display
        2. Planning Before Coding
          1. Testing Your Work So Far
        3. Copy-and-Tweak Coding
          1. Modifying Tabbed Windows for Projects
      5. Keyboard Events and Text Events
        1. Using Event Properties
        2. Capturing Text Input with TextEvent
      6. Keeping Time with TimerEvent
      7. Removing Event Listeners
      8. In Case of Other Events
        1. Smartphone and Tablet Events
    3. 14. Organizing Objects with the Display List
      1. The Display List: Everything in Its Place
        1. When Display Objects are Display Object Containers
      2. Adding Objects to the Display List
        1. Add a Second Object to the Display List
        2. Using trace() to Report on the Display List
        3. Placing Objects Inside Display Containers
          1. Modifying Display Containers
        4. Moving Objects from One Container to Another
        5. Removing Objects from the Display List
      3. Managing the Stacking Order
        1. Adding Display Objects by Index Position
        2. Removing Display Objects by Index Position
        3. Getting the Name or Index Position of a Display Object
        4. Swapping the Position of Two Children
      4. Summary of Properties and Methods
        1. DisplayObjectContainer Properties
        2. DisplayObjectContainer Methods
    4. 15. Controlling the Timeline and Animation
      1. Slowing Down (or Speeding Up) Animation
        1. Setting a Document Frame Rate
        2. Setting a Frame Rate with ActionScript
      2. Timeline Stop and Go
        1. Using ActionScript to Start a Timeline
      3. Organizing Your Animation
        1. Working with Labeled Frames
          1. Adding a Frame Label
          2. Targeting a Frame Label with ActionScript
        2. Working with Scenes
          1. Creating a Scene
          2. Renaming a Scene
          3. Reorganizing Scenes
          4. Targeting a Scene with ActionScript
      4. Looping a Series of Frames
        1. Looping Part of the Timeline
      5. Reversing a Series of Frames
        1. Reversing Frames in the Timeline
    5. 16. Components for Interactivity
      1. Adding Components
        1. Making Button Components Work with ActionScript
        2. Modifying Components in the Properties Panel
        3. Adding a ColorPicker Component
          1. Modifying the ColorPicker with ActionScript
      2. The Built-In Components
        1. User Interface Components
          1. Button
          2. CheckBox
          3. ColorPicker
          4. ComboBox
          5. DataGrid
          6. Label
          7. List
          8. NumericStepper
          9. ProgressBar
          10. RadioButton
          11. ScrollPane
          12. Slider
          13. TextArea
          14. TextInput
          15. TileList
          16. UILoader
          17. UIScrollBar
      3. Finding Additional Components
    6. 17. Choosing, Using, and Animating Text
      1. What Font Does Your Audience Have?
        1. Embedding Fonts in Your SWF file
      2. Controlling Text with ActionScript
        1. ActionScript Text: String Theory
        2. Creating a New String
        3. Joining Strings
        4. Using TextField’s appendText() Method
        5. Adding Line Breaks to a String
        6. Finding a String Within a String
        7. Replacing Words or Characters in a String
        8. Converting Strings to Uppercase or Lowercase
      3. Creating Text Fields with ActionScript
      4. Positioning, Sizing, and Formatting a Text Field
        1. Formatting the Text Field’s Background and Border
        2. Adjust the Space Between Text and Border
        3. Autosizing a Text Field
      5. Formatting Characters and Paragraphs
      6. Formatting with HTML and CSS
        1. HTML and CSS Philosophical Differences
        2. Using HTML Text in Flash
        3. Creating a Hyperlink with HTML
        4. Using CSS to Format Classic Text in Flash
        5. Formatting Text with an External CSS File
      7. Choosing the Right Text Formatting System
    7. 18. Drawing with ActionScript
      1. What’s the Point?
      2. Beginning with the Graphics Class
      3. Drawing Lines
      4. Drawing Curves
      5. Drawing Built-In Shapes
      6. Drawing Irregular Shapes
      7. Making Drawings Move
        1. Using ActionScript’s TimerEvent to Animate Drawings
        2. Moving Objects Independently
      8. Shapes, Sprites, and Movie Clips for Drawings
      9. Removing Lines and Shapes
  8. 4. Debugging and Delivering Your Animation
    1. 19. Testing and Debugging Your Animation
      1. Testing Strategies
        1. Planning Ahead
          1. Separate Potentially Troublesome Elements
          2. Reuse as Much as Possible
          3. Be Generous with Comments
          4. Stick with Consistent Names
        2. Techniques for Better Testing
      2. Testing on the Stage
      3. Using the Test Movie Commands
      4. Testing Inside a Web Page
      5. Testing Download Time
        1. Simulating Downloads
          1. Pinpointing Bottlenecks with a Bandwidth Profiler Report
      6. The Art of Debugging
        1. Checking with the Syntax Checker
        2. Finding Errors with the Compiler Errors Panel
        3. Using the Output Panel and trace() Statement
      7. Analyzing Code with the Debugger
        1. Setting and Working with Breakpoints
    2. 20. Publishing and Exporting
      1. Optimizing Flash Documents
        1. Ten Optimization Strategies
          1. 1. Use as Few Keyframes and Property Keyframes as Possible
          2. 2. Choose the Pencil Tool Over the Brush Tool
          3. 3. Choose Solid Over Dashed or Dotted Lines
          4. 4. Optimize Curves and Shapes
          5. 5. Use Symbols
          6. 6. Test Bitmaps and Vectors, and then Choose the Most Efficient Option
          7. 7. Keep Sound Clips to a Minimum (or Optimize them)
          8. 8. Group Elements
          9. 9. Avoid the Extraneous
          10. 10. Tell Flash to Keep your File Size Down
      2. Publishing Your Animations
        1. Publishing as a Compiled Flash (.swf) File
        2. Publishing as a Web Page
        3. Publishing a Frame as a Static Image File
          1. Publishing a Static GIF
          2. Publishing a JPEG
          3. Publishing a PNG
        4. Publishing as an Animated GIF
        5. Publishing as a Standalone Projector
      3. Exporting Flash to Other Formats
        1. Exporting the Contents of a Single Frame
        2. Exporting an Entire Animation
    3. 21. Introducing Adobe AIR
      1. Meet Adobe AIR
        1. Differences Between AIR and Flash
      2. Creating Your First AIR Application
      3. Create a Code Signing Certificate
      4. Convert a Flash Animation to AIR
      5. Publish Your AIR Application
      6. Manually Install Adobe AIR Runtime
    4. 22. Making iPhone Apps
      1. Your First “Hello iPad” App
      2. Joining the iOS Developer Program
        1. The Purpose of Developer Certificates and App IDs
        2. Getting a Developer’s Certificate
          1. Authorize Apple as a Certificate Authority
          2. Request Your Developer Certificate
        3. Assigning Devices for Testing
        4. Creating an App ID for Your Project
        5. Creating and Installing a Provisioning Profile
      3. Creating an iOS App that Responds to Gestures
        1. Using the Swipe to Next/Previous Code Snippet
      4. Air for iOS App Settings
        1. General Settings
        2. Deployment Settings
        3. Icon Settings
      5. Publishing, Installing, and Testing Your App on an iDevice
        1. Removing Your Test App from the Device
      6. Building a Tap-Ready App
      7. Tips for iOS App Development
    5. 23. Building Android Apps
      1. Meet AIR for Android
        1. Your First “Hello Android” App
      2. App Building with the Android Accelerometer Template
      3. Building Apps for Both iOS and Android
        1. Resizing Graphics for Multiplatform Development
      4. Tips for Android App Development
  9. 5. Appendixes
    1. A. Installation and Help
      1. Flash CS6 Minimum System Requirements
      2. Installing and Activating Flash Professional CS6
      3. About Licenses and Activation
      4. Getting Help from Flash
        1. Flash Video Workshop Tutorials
      5. Getting Help from Adobe
        1. Online Articles, FAQs, and Sample Code
        2. Forums
        3. Direct Person-to-Person Help
      6. More Flash Books
      7. Finding Flash Gurus
    2. B. Flash Professional CS6, Menu by Menu
      1. File
        1. New
        2. Open
        3. Browse in Bridge
        4. Open Recent
        5. Close
        6. Close All
        7. Save
        8. Save As
        9. Save as Template
        10. Check In
        11. Save All
        12. Revert
        13. Import
        14. Export
        15. Publish Settings
        16. Publish Preview
        17. Publish
        18. AIR Settings
        19. AIR for iOS Settings
        20. AIR for Android Settings
        21. File Info
        22. Share My Screen
        23. Page Setup
        24. Print Margins (Mac only)
        25. Print
        26. Send (Windows only)
        27. Exit (Mac: Flash→Quit Flash)
      2. Edit
        1. Undo
        2. Redo
        3. Cut
        4. Copy
        5. Paste in Center
        6. Paste in Place
        7. Clear
        8. Duplicate
        9. Select All
        10. Deselect All
        11. Find and Replace
        12. Find Next
        13. Timeline
        14. Edit Symbols/Document
        15. Edit Selected
        16. Edit in Place
        17. Edit All
        18. Preferences (Mac: Flash→Preferences)
        19. Customize Tools Panel (Mac: Flash→Customize Tools Panel)
        20. Font Mapping (Mac: Flash→Font Mapping)
        21. Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac: Flash→Keyboard Shortcuts)
      3. View
        1. Go To
        2. Zoom In
        3. Zoom Out
        4. Magnification
        5. Preview Mode
        6. Pasteboard
        7. Rulers
        8. Grid
        9. Guides
        10. Snapping
        11. Hide Edges
        12. Show Shape Hints
        13. Show Tab Order
      4. Insert
        1. New Symbol
        2. Motion Tween
        3. Shape Tween
        4. Classic Tween
        5. Timeline
        6. Scene
      5. Modify
        1. Document
        2. Convert to Symbol
        3. Break Apart
        4. Bitmap
        5. Symbol
        6. Shape
        7. Combine Objects
        8. Timeline
        9. Transform
        10. Arrange
        11. Align
        12. Group
        13. Ungroup
      6. Text
        1. Font
        2. Size
        3. Style
        4. Align
        5. Letter Spacing
        6. Scrollable
        7. Check Spelling
        8. Spelling Setup
        9. Font Embedding
      7. Commands
        1. Manage Saved Commands
        2. Get More Commands
        3. Run Command
        4. Convert Symbol to Flex Component
        5. Convert Symbol to Flex Container
        6. Copy Font Name for ActionScript
        7. Copy Motion as XML
        8. Export Motion XML
        9. Import Motion XML
      8. Control
        1. Play
        2. Rewind
        3. Go To End
        4. Step Forward One Frame
        5. Step Backward One Frame
        6. Test Movie
        7. Test Scene
        8. Clear Publish Cache
        9. Clear Publish Cache and Test Movie
        10. Loop Playback
        11. Play All Scenes
        12. Enable Simple Frame Actions
        13. Enable Simple Buttons
        14. Enable Live Preview
        15. Mute Sounds
      9. Debug
        1. Debug Movie
        2. Continue
        3. End Debug Session
        4. Step In
        5. Step Over
        6. Step Out
        7. Remove All Breakpoints
        8. Begin Remote Debug Session
      10. Window
        1. Duplicate Window
        2. Toolbars
        3. Timeline
        4. Motion Editor
        5. Tools
        6. Properties
        7. Library
        8. Common Libraries
        9. Motion Presets
        10. Project
        11. Actions
        12. Code Snippets
        13. Behaviors
        14. Compiler Errors
        15. Debug Panels
        16. Movie Explorer
        17. Output
        18. Align
        19. Color
        20. Info
        21. Swatches
        22. Transform
        23. Components
        24. Component Inspector
        25. Other Panels
        26. Extensions
        27. Workspace
        28. Hide Panels
      11. Help
        1. Search Field (Mac Only)
        2. Flash Help
        3. Flash Support Center
        4. Get Latest Flash Player
        5. Adobe Product Improvement Program
        6. Flash Exchange
        7. Omniture
        8. Manage Extensions
        9. Manage AIR SDK
        10. Adobe Online Forums
        11. Complete/Update Adobe ID Profile
        12. Product Registration
        13. Deactivate
        14. Updates
        15. About Adobe CS6 Professional (Mac: Flash→About Flash)
  10. Index
  11. About the Author
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Product information

  • Title: Flash CS6: The Missing Manual
  • Author(s): Chris Grover
  • Release date: June 2012
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781449330484