Fit for the Leadership Challenge

Book description

The key to effective leadership is being fit for the challenge. Leadership is a perpetual boxing match in many respects in which preparation, stamina and skill are required. Only the strongest survive. Every decision and tollgate along the career journey is laden with risk. Those leaders who harness risk to their advantage will land the knockout punch in every fight. The only question is how many leaders will be fit enough for the challenge?

The purpose of this book is to provide insight on how risk impacts every aspect of leadership, including the mundane, routine and nonglamorous aspects of leadership. This is important because often the small things can easily turn into big disruptors. Moreover, the end goal is to equip leaders with a journey map and quick guide to win in high-risk environments. Change is the new normal and only constant in today’s world. As change increases, so will risk and its subsequent impacts on humanity. This includes leaders, organizations and customers. No one is exempt.

In this book, readers learn how to:

  • Determine which career battles to fight and which ones to avoid
  • Prepare to fight the unavoidable challenges along the career journey
  • Leverage risk to choose the right leaders for the team
  • Leverage risk to invest time wisely and avoid wasting it
  • Leverage risk to predict, identify and resolve leadership burnout
  • Risk assess leadership credentials so only those that produce a return are added to the portfolio
  • Risk assess performance outcomes so the path ahead is smooth sailing instead of a rough ride
  • Leverage risk so high performance is a reality instead of a pipe dream
  • Leverage risk to find the right leadership sponsor

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Contents
  6. About the Author
  7. Introduction
  8. 1 Leveraging Risk to Determine Organizational Efficiency: Is High Performance a Reality or a Pipe Dream?
    1. Why Efficiency Matters
      1. Levels of Efficiency
      2. Target Areas of Efficiency
    2. Case Study
    3. Summary
    4. Reference
  9. 2 Is Finding the Right Leadership Sponsor Risky Business?
    1. Sponsorship
    2. Summary
    3. Reference
  10. 3 Leadership Guide to Maximizing Career Value Potential
    1. Why Leadership Matters
      1. Leadership Value Curve
      2. Leadership Disruption Lattice
    2. Case in Point
    3. Summary
    4. Reference
  11. 4 The Risk of a Leadership Brand: Is It a Stamp of Approval or Scarlet Letter?
    1. The Importance of Brand
      1. Leadership Brand Levels
      2. Leadership Brand Journey Map
      3. Leadership Brand Maturity Curve
      4. Leadership Brand Disruption Lattice
    2. Case in Point
    3. Summary
  12. 5 The Risk of Investing Time
    1. Importance of Time
    2. Dimensions of Time
      1. Time Study Example
    3. Time Journey Map
    4. Time and Value Maturity Curve
    5. Leadership Time Disruption Lattice
    6. Time Risk Assessment Tool
    7. Summary
    8. Reference
  13. 6 Is Variation High-Risk Poker or a Sure Bet?
    1. Variation
    2. Dimensions of Variation
    3. The Journey
    4. Variation Risk Assessment Tools: Strategy, Operations and People
    5. Summary
    6. Reference
  14. 7 Is Decision-Making a Risky Proposition?
    1. Importance of Decisions
    2. Dimensions of Decision-Making
    3. Impact of Decisions
    4. Decision-Making Risk Tool
    5. Decision Matrix
    6. Decision Disruption Lattice
    7. Summary
    8. Reference
  15. 8 Is Positive Leadership Reporting a Risky Proposition?
    1. The Importance of Leadership Report-Outs
    2. Dimensions of Reporting
    3. Long-Term Effects of Leadership Reporting
    4. Risk Tool
    5. Summary
  16. 9 Leveraging Risk to Grow Organizational Hierarchy: Is It Value Added or a Waste of Resources?
    1. The Importance of Hierarchy
    2. Dimensions of Hierarchy Growth
    3. Case Study Assessment
    4. Risk Assessment Tool
    5. Decision Matrix
    6. Summary
    7. Reference
  17. 10 Risk Assessing Succession Planning: Is the Talent Pipeline Full or All Dried Up?
    1. Importance of Depth in Roles
    2. Dimension of Succession Planning
    3. Risk Tools
    4. Summary
    5. References
  18. 11 Risk Assessing Leadership Credentials: Is It a Game Changer or Just Another Plaque on the Wall?
    1. Importance of Credentials
    2. Case Study
    3. Summary
    4. References
  19. 12 Risk Assessing Leadership Burnout: Is the Tank Full or Running on Fumes?
    1. Burnout
    2. Summary
    3. Reference
  20. 13 Risk Assessing Leadership Outcomes: Are We On Track or Off Target?
    1. Determinants of Outcomes
    2. Levels of Outcomes
    3. Dimensions of Leadership Outcomes
    4. Risk Tool
    5. Summary
    6. References
  21. 14 Leveraging Risk to Find the Right Fit: Remote or In-Person Work?
    1. The Change Environment
    2. Case in Point
    3. Risk Tool
    4. Impact Calculator
    5. Summary
  22. 15 When the Early Bird Misses the Worm: Signals of When to Promote, Not to Promote and Transition Leaders Out
    1. Introduction
    2. Case Study
    3. Summary
    4. References
  23. 16 Out With the Old, In With the New: Expected Roles of the Top Leader for the 2020s and Beyond
    1. Introduction
    2. The Change Evolution
    3. The Leadership Evolution
    4. The Crucial Questions
    5. The Road Ahead
    6. Summary
    7. References
  24. 17 Leveraging Maturity Models as Operational Truth Serum
    1. Introduction
    2. The Case Study
    3. The Framework
    4. Summary
    5. Reference
  25. Conclusion
  26. Index

Product information

  • Title: Fit for the Leadership Challenge
  • Author(s): Casey J. Bedgood
  • Release date: November 2022
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9781000787481