8   A Conversation with Nino Baragli

(This interview was conducted a few years ago by Stefano Masi and was published in the book ‘Nel Buio Della Moviola’. It is printed here with his kind permission and that of Gabriele Lucci, to whom I am most grateful. The translation is by Emiliano Battista.)

At the time of this interview Nino Baragli was the President of the Italian Association of Film Editors (AMC). He has, in the course of his career, cut thousands of miles of films: he is one of the undisputed old masters of this craft. His contribution to Pasolini’s filmography was enormous: Accattone, Mamma Roma, Uccellacci e uccellini/Hawks and Sparrows, II Vangelo Secondo Matteo/The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, Teorema/Theorem, Porcile/Pigsty, ...

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