
Chapter 1: Finance and the HR Professional

1. This section draws substantially from Julie Cook,“Money Matters,” Human Resource Executive (April 2003), and Bill Thomas, “Minding Your Own Business,” Human Resource Executive (May 16, 2003).

2. SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) News to Use, press release, December 2, 2003.

3. Jack J. Phillips, Return on Investment in Training and Performance Improvement Programs (Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997), xiii.

4. Steve Bates,“Accounting for People,” HR Magazine, October 2002.

5. Valerie E. Pike, “Balanced Scorecard Basics on Implementation,” SHRM White Paper, December 2000.

6. This example was described in H. David Sherman and S. David Young,“Spinning the Numbers,” HR Magazine,

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