Legacy Ferdinando Scarfiotti

Born in Porto Recanati, Italy in 1941, the supremely stylish production designer Ferdinando “Nando” Scarfiotti burst onto the big screen in Bernardo Bertolucci’s highly influential The Conformist in 1970. Representing Art Deco as a taut backdrop to this story of fascism and repression, Scarfiotti’s partnership on that film with Bertolucci and cameraman Vittorio Storaro was a milestone in the look of modern cinema (and a pairing that would be repeated in Last Tango in Paris, 1972, The Last Emperor, 1987, and The Sheltering Sky, 1990). Many see The Conformist as a key influence on the look of seminal new generation films such as The Godfather (1972, directed by Francis Ford Coppola and production design by Dean Tavoularis). ...

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