Preparing Alternate Installation Media

The Fedora Core installation process is usually booted from CD or DVD, but it may also be booted from a USB flash disk or hard disk drive, or from a PXE boot server.

In addition, Fedora Core permits the use of an FTP or HTTP server as the package source during installation.

These alternate installation media must be specially prepared before use.

How Do I Do That?

Before preparing alternate boot media, check that the target system can boot from the media you wish to use. Examine the BIOS of the system on which Fedora will be installed to see if it supports booting from a USB flash drive or a PXE server; if not, select a different installation medium.

Preparing a USB drive

To configure a USB drive for booting, download the USB boot image by selecting a mirror site from the web page and going to that mirror with a web browser. Select the directory for the desired Fedora Core version number (e.g., 6), then the directory for your machine architecture (i386, PPC, or x86_64), then select the os directory, and then select the images subdirectory. Download the file named diskboot.img (you can also find this in the /images directory of the Fedora Core DVD or the first disc of the CD set).


The directory layout varies slightly among the mirror sites.

Once you have obtained the diskboot.img file, transfer it to your USB flash drive using a Linux system. First, insert the drive into the system; you should see ...

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