Part III. Making a Website

Part II was a quick tour of FastAPI, to get you up to speed quickly. This part will go wider and deeper into the details. We’ll build a medium-sized web service to access and manage data about cryptids—imaginary creatures—and the equally fictitious explorers who seek them.

The full service will have three layers, as I’ve discussed earlier:


The web interface


The business logic


The precious DNA of the whole thing

Plus the web service will have these cross-layer components:


Pydantic data definitions


Unit, integration, and end-to-end tests

The site design will address the following:

  • What belongs inside each layer?

  • What is passed between layers?

  • Can we change/add/delete code later without breaking anything?

  • If something breaks, how do I find and fix it?

  • What about security?

  • Can the site scale and perform well?

  • Can we keep all this as clear and simple as possible?

  • Why do I ask so many questions? Why, oh why?

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