
Active data, 149

Alpha automation, 117118

Amazon decision sciences engineer skillsets, 158

Amazon fulfillment machine, 1516

Amazon fulfillment costs, 26

Amazon Web Services (AWS), 156

Artificial intelligence (AI), 137, 189

decision variables, 6364

definition, 61, 62

ERP system, 6566

Lite-AI model, 6364

performance metric, 63

performance transfer relationship, 64, 65

process variables, 63

Automation blocks investigation, 172173

Automation Challenge Analysis (AC-Analysis), 112113, 214

automation tasks, 210

Capability Challenge Score, 212

input factor, 210

machine capability, 211

situation attributes, 210211

steps, 211213

Automation project

AC-Analysis, 112113

alpha automation, 117118

business/economic value, 120


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