Book description
The details of international business are growing more complex by the day—and even the most seasoned professionals can find themselves in need of guidance. This comprehensive answer book supplies readers with a clear view of the entire export/import process, explaining the ins and outs of shipping and insurance; payment mechanisms; distributors vs. agents; customs and export control requirements; and transportation issues.
Featuring dozens of sample contracts, procedures, checklists, and ready-to-use forms—Export/Import Procedures and Documentation is an authoritative voice in the everchanging, often confusing world of international laws and regulations. The revised fifth edition contains new and expanded information on topics including:
Corporate oversight and compliance • Valuation • The Export Control Reform Act • Licensing requirements and exceptions • International Commerce Trade Terminology • The shifting definition of “Country of Origin” • Specialized exporting and importing • And more
Thorough and accessible, this trusted resource provides readers with the tools they need to manage supply chain dynamics around the world, and keep everything organized, up-to-date, and above board each step of the way.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- Part I Organizing for Export and Import Operations
Part II Exporting: Procedures and Documentation
Chapter 2. Exporting: Preliminary Considerations
- A. Products
- B. Volume
- C. Country Market and Product Competitiveness Research
- D. Identification of Customers: End Users, Distributors, and Sales Agents
- E. Compliance With Foreign Law
- F. Export Controls and Licenses
- G. Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Registrations and Infringements
- H. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements
- I. Antiboycott Compliance
- J. Employee Sales Visits to Foreign Countries—Immigration and Customs Compliance
- K. Utilization of Freight Forwarders and Foreign Customs Brokers
- L. Export Packing and Labeling (Hazardous Materials)
- M. Terms of Sale
- N. Consignments
- O. Leases
- P. Marine and Air Casualty Insurance
- Q. Methods of Transportation; Booking Transportation
- R. Country of Origin Marking
- S. Foreign Warehousing and Free Trade Zones
- T. Export Financing and Payment Insurance
- U. Tax Incentives
- V. Export Trading Companies, Export Trade Certificates of Review, and Export Management Companies
- W. Translation
- X. Foreign Branch Operations, Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, and Licensing
- Y. Electronic Commerce
Chapter 3. Exporting: Sales Documentation
- A. Isolated Sales Transactions
B. Ongoing Sales Transactions
- 1. Correlation with Documentation for Isolated Sales Transactions
2. Important Provisions in International Sales Agreements
- a. Selling and Purchasing Entities
- b. Quantity
- c. Pricing
- d. Currency Fluctuations
- e. Payment Methods
- f. Export Financing
- g. Security Interest
- h. Passage of Title, Delivery, and Risk of Loss
- i. Warranties and Product Defects
- j. Preshipment Inspections
- k. Export Licenses
- l. Import Licenses and Foreign Government Filings
- m. Governing Law
- n. Dispute Resolution
- o. Termination
- C. Export Distributor and Sales Agent Agreements
- D. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance
- E. U.S. Export Control Laws
Chapter 4. Exporting: Other Export Documentation
- A. Freight Forwarders
- B. Shipper’s Letters of Instructions
- C. Commercial Invoices
- D. Bills of Lading
- E. VOCCs and NVOCCs
- F. Packing Lists
- G. Inspection Certificates
- H. Marine and Air Casualty Insurance Policies and Certificates
- I. Dock and Warehouse Receipts
- J. Consular Invoices
- K. Certificates of Origin
- L. Certificates of Free Sale
- M. Delivery Instructions and Delivery Orders
- N. Special Customs Invoices
- O. Shipper’s Declarations for Dangerous Goods
- P. Precursor and Essential Chemical Exports
- Q. Animal, Plant, and Food Export Certificates
- R. Drafts for Payment
- S. Letters of Credit
- T. Electronic Export Information
- U. Freight Forwarder’s Invoices
- V. Air Cargo Security and C-TPAT
Chapter 5. Export Controls and Licenses
- A. Introduction
- B. Scope of the EAR
- C. Commerce Control List
- D. Export Destinations
- E. Customers, End Users, and End Uses
- F. Ten General Prohibitions
- G. License Exemptions and Exceptions
- H. License Applications and Procedures
- I. Re-Exports
- J. Export Documentation and Record-Keeping
- K. Special Comprehensive Licenses
- L. Technology, Software, and Technical Assistance Exports
- M. Validated End-User Program
- N. Antiboycott Regulations
- O. Violations and Penalties
- P. Embargoes and Trade Sanctions Programs
- R. U.S. Munitions and Arms Exports
- S. Enforcement
Chapter 2. Exporting: Preliminary Considerations
Part III Importing: Procedures and Documentation
Chapter 6. Importing: Preliminary Considerations
- A. Products
- B. Volume
- C. Country Sourcing
- D. Identification of Suppliers
- E. Compliance With Foreign Law
F. U.S. Customs Considerations
- 1. Utilization of Customs Brokers
- 2. Importation Bonds
- 3. Importer’s Liability and Reasonable Care
- 4. Application for Importer’s Number
- 5. Ports of Entry
- 6. Import Quotas
- 7. Antidumping, Countervailing, and Other Special Duties
- 8. Classification
- 9. Valuation
- 10. Duty-Free and Reduced Duty Programs
- 11. Column 2 Imports
- 12. Deferred Duty Programs (Bonded Warehousing and Foreign Trade Zones)
- 13. Record-Keeping Requirements
- 14. Customs Rulings
- G. Import Packing and Labeling
- H. U.S. Commercial Considerations
- I. Terms of Purchase
- J. Consignments
- K. Leases
- L. Marine and Air Casualty Insurance
- M. Method of Transportation; Booking Transportation
- N. Import Financing
- O. Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Registrations and Infringements
- P. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements
- Q. Payment
- R. Translation
- S. Foreign Branch Operations, Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, and Licensing
- T. Electronic Commerce
Chapter 7. Importing: Purchase Documentation
- A. Isolated Purchase Transactions
B. Ongoing Purchase Transactions
- 1. Correlation With Documentation for Isolated Purchase Transactions
2. Important Provisions in International Purchase Agreements
- a. Purchasing and Selling Entities
- b. Quantity
- c. Pricing
- d. Currency Fluctuations
- e. Payment Methods
- f. Import Financing
- g. Security Interest
- h. Passage of Title, Delivery, and Risk of Loss
- i. Warranties and Product Defects
- j. Preshipment Inspections
- k. Export Licenses
- l. Governing Law
- m. Dispute Resolution
- n. Termination
- C. Import Distributor and Sales Agent Agreements
Chapter 8. Import Process and Documentation
- A. Importer Security Filing and the 10+2 Program
- B. Bills of Lading
- C. Commercial Invoices
- D. Pro Forma Invoices
- E. Packing Lists
- F. Inspection Certificates
- G. Drafts for Payment
- H. Arrival Notices
- I. Pickup and Delivery Orders
- J. Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
- K. Entry/Immediate Delivery
- L. Entry Summary
- M. Other Entries
- N. Reconciliation
- O. GSP, AGOA—Special Programs
- P. NAFTA/Other FTA Certificates of Origin
- Q. Specialized Products Import Entry Forms
- R. Examination and Detention
- S. Liquidation Notices
- T. Notices of Redelivery
- U. Post Entry Amendment
- V. Requests for Information
- W. Notices of Action
- X. Protests
- Y. Record-Keeping
- Z. Administrative Summons
- AA. Search Warrants
- BB. Grand Jury Subpoenas
- CC. Seizure Notices
- DD. Prepenalty Notices
- EE. Penalty Notices
- FF. Customs Audits
- GG. Penalties
- HH. Prior Disclosure
- II. Court of International Trade
- JJ. Appeals
- KK. Offers of Compromise
- LL. ITC and Commerce Questionnaires
Chapter 6. Importing: Preliminary Considerations
Part IV Global Customs Considerations
- Chapter 9. Determining the Proper Classification of a Product
- Chapter 10. Determining the Proper Value to Declare
Chapter 11. Determining the Proper Country of Origin
- A. Preferential Duty Laws
- B. Country of Origin Marking Laws
- C. Federal Trade Commission Rules on “Made in the USA” Marking
- D. Government Procurement
- Part V Specialized Exporting and Importing
- Appendix A. Incoterms Diagram
- Appendix B. International Sales Agreement (Export)
- Appendix C. Department of Defense – Compliance Program Guidelines
- Appendix D. Informed Compliance: Reasonable Care
- Appendix E. USITC Harmonized Tariff Schedule Contents
- Appendix F. International Purchase Agreement (Import)
- Appendix G. ACE Program and Standard Reports
- Appendix H. Guidance on Internet Purchases
- Appendix I. Regulatory Audit Questionnaires
- Appendix J. Export/Import–Related Web Sites
- Glossary of International Trade Terms
- Index
Product information
- Title: Export/Import Procedures and Documentation, 5th Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2015
- Publisher(s): AMACOM
- ISBN: 9780814434765
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