Chapter 6

Working with PivotCharts

In This Chapter

arrow Why in the world would you use a pivot chart?

arrow Running the PivotChart Wizard

arrow Fooling around with your pivot chart

arrow Customizing how pivot charts work and look

In Chapter 4, I discuss how cool it is that Excel easily cross-tabulates data in pivot tables. In this chapter, I cover a closely related topic: how to cross-tabulate data in pivot charts.

You might notice some suspiciously similar material in this chapter compared with Chapter 4. But that’s all right. The steps for creating a pivot chart closely resemble those that you take to create a pivot table.

tip If you’ve just read the preceding paragraphs and find yourself thinking, “Hmmm. Cross-tabulate is a familiar-sounding word, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it means,” you might want to first peruse Chapter 4. Let me also say that, as is the case when constructing pivot tables, you build pivot charts by using data stored in an Excel table. Therefore, you should also know what ...

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