Chapter 3

Scrub-a-Dub-Dub: Cleaning Data

In This Chapter

arrow Editing an imported workbook

arrow Cleaning data with text functions

arrow Keeping data clean with validation

You will greatly benefit from exploring the techniques often necessary for cleaning up and rearranging workbook data. You know why? Because almost always the data that you start with — especially data that you import from other programs — will be pretty disorganized and dirty. Getting your data into a clean form makes it easier to work with and analyze the data.

Editing Your Imported Workbook

I start this discussion with some basic workbook editing techniques. If you take a look at the workbook shown in Figure 3-1, you see that the data, although neatly formatted, doesn’t appear as an Excel table. The workbook shown in Figure 3-1, for example, includes blank columns and rows. The workbook also uses some columns that are inadequately sized. The width for column I, for example, is too small to display the values stored there. (That’s why those #s appear.)


Figure 3-1: This worksheet needs to clean up its act.

You will often encounter ...

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