Chapter 3. Formula Reference

This chapter provides quick but detailed references to the most useful functions in Excel 2007. You probably already use some of these functions, but you’ll probably encounter a few that you haven’t used before. You’ll find the following sections in this chapter:

  • New formulas in Excel 2007

  • Math formulas

  • Date and time formulas

  • Financial formulas

  • Lookup and reference formulas

  • Logical formulas

  • Text formulas

  • Statistical formulas

New Formulas in Excel 2007

In response to user requests, the Excel product team created six new worksheet functions:


Calculates the average of cells that meet a single criteria.


Calculates the average of cells that meet multiple criteria.


Finds the sum of cells that meet multiple criteria (the SUMIF function, which calculates the sum of cells that meet a single criteria, was present in earlier versions of Excel).


Counts the number of cells that meet multiple criteria (the COUNTIF function, which counts the number of cells that meet a single criteria, was present in earlier versions of Excel).


Returns a random integer between two values you define.


Displays a custom message if a cell contains an error.

You find detailed descriptions of each of these new functions later in this section.


In Excel 2003 and earlier, you had to install the Analysis ToolPak to use many advanced statistical functions. Those functions, which include chi-squared distribution and ANOVA analysis tools, are built into Excel ...

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