6Maximizing Opportunities

You, like almost everyone else, are guaranteed to be leaving success behind with nearly every interaction. Whether from face‐to‐face appointments, telephone conversations, or marketing messages, you are bypassing huge potential for enhancing your sales success by leaving money on the table.

You may feel a little challenged by what you have just read and consider your conversion rates to be high, your customers happy, and business good. When growing a business, every moment counts, and regardless of your current level of success, the objective is always to reach a little higher and maximize your opportunities. Too many people enter a sales opportunity with the mindset that there are just two potential outcomes: success or failure. Instead of seeing things so black and white, color the shades of gray by building a number of successes in each interaction, raising the typical bar, and challenging yourself to see just how much you can get from every moment.

What this means is that you need to plan your levels of success before each opportunity and consider what there really is on offer. You might have an appointment with someone who has shown an interest in one particular product or service. Open your mind and think: what else could this person provide you with?

Things to consider:

  • Additional sales—The easiest time to sell something else to someone is immediately after they've made the first buying decision.
  • Further appointments—Increasing the frequency ...

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