Evaluating Impact: Evaluation and Continual Improvement for Performance Improvement Practitioners

Book description

Evaluation takes enormous time, money and resources. So, why do we go through all the trouble? Because the ultimate goal is to create positive change—and that's where this practical book comes in. Evaluating Impact uses a common-sense approach to conducting data-driven evaluations that are simple and efficient—and deliver the improved and measurable performance you want. This is the sixth in the Defining and Delivering Successful Professional Practice—HPT in Action series of six books on defining and delivering measurable performance improvement. Learn how to let the evaluation purpose drive the questions you ask, set the stage for deciding what data to collect and how to collect it, and make sense of the data so your recommendations are justifiable.

Table of contents

  1. Evaluating Impact: Evaluation and Continual Improvement for Performance Improvement Practitioners
    1. Copyright
    2. Acknowledgments and Credits
    3. Chapter 1: To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate
      1. The Conceptual Framework for this Approach to Evaluation
      2. Who is the Evaluator?
      3. Building a Case to Demonstrate Worth: “Show Me the Money!”
      4. The Relationship to Other Investigative Processes: Evaluation, Needs Assessment, and Scientific Research
      5. At What Point Does Evaluation Take Place?
      6. Book Overview
      7. Endnote
    4. Chapter 2: Planning and Alignment of Evaluation
      1. Seven Elements of Evaluation Planning
      2. Laying the Foundation for Evaluation
      3. Key Decisions and Objectives
      4. Asking the Right Questions that Link to the Ideal Vision (1/2)
      5. Asking the Right Questions that Link to the Ideal Vision (2/2)
      6. Ensuring Commitment
      7. Endnote
    5. Chapter 3: The Data: Results and Measurable Indicators and Sources
      1. Data Defined
      2. Characteristics of Data
      3. Qualitative and Quantitative
      4. Scales of Measurement
      5. Defining Required Data from Performance Objectives
      6. Identifying Indicators (1/2)
      7. Identifying Indicators (2/2)
      8. The Data Determines the Sources
      9. Follow-up Questions and Data
      10. Endnotes
    6. Chapter 4: The Methods: Data Collection Tools, Instrumentation, and Procedures
      1. Observation Methodology and the Purpose of Measurement
      2. Person-Centered Direct Observation Methods
      3. Person-Centered, Non-Direct Observation Techniques (1/2)
      4. Person-Centered, Non-Direct Observation Techniques (2/2)
      5. Instrument-Centered Methods (1/3)
      6. Instrument-Centered Methods (2/3)
      7. Instrument-Centered Methods (3/3)
      8. Treatment-Centered Methods (1/2)
      9. Treatment-Centered Methods (2/2)
      10. Document-Centered Methods
      11. Endnotes
    7. Chapter 5: Analyzing Data: Analysis Techniques and Interpretation
      1. Methods of Qualitative Analysis
      2. Analysis of Models and Patterns
      3. Analysis Using Structured Discussion
      4. Imposing Structure on Emerging Issues
      5. Controls on Structured Discussion
      6. Methods of Quantitative Analysis
      7. Measures of Central Tendency
      8. Measures of Dispersion (Variability)
      9. The Normal Curve
      10. Graphical Representations of Data
      11. Measures of Relationship
      12. Inferential Statistics: Parametric and Non-Parametric
      13. Interpretation (1/2)
      14. Interpretation (2/2)
    8. Chapter 6: Preparing and Delivering the Report: Now What?
      1. A Note about Communication
      2. Recommendations
      3. Developing the Report (1/2)
      4. Developing the Report (2/2)
      5. The Evaluator’s Role after the Report
    9. Chapter 7: Supporting Change and Continual Improvement
      1. What is Continual Improvement?
      2. Monitoring Performance
      3. Characteristics of the Evaluation Framework
      4. Adjusting Performance
      5. Change Processes
      6. The Role of Leadership
      7. So what? Why do we go through all the trouble to evaluate?
    10. References and Related Readings (1/2)
    11. References and Related Readings (2/2)
    12. About this Series
      1. Defining and Delivering SuccessfulProfessional Practice—HPT in Action
      2. Why This Series?
      3. How This Series Relates to the Professional Performance Improvement Standards
      4. Endnotes
    13. About the Author

Product information

  • Title: Evaluating Impact: Evaluation and Continual Improvement for Performance Improvement Practitioners
  • Author(s): Ingrid Guerra-López Ph.D.
  • Release date: October 2006
  • Publisher(s): HRD Press
  • ISBN: 9781599960517