Chapter 2. Forms and URLs

This chapter discusses form processing and the most common types of attacks that you need to be aware of when dealing with data from forms and URLs. You will learn about attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgeries (CSRF), as well as how to spoof forms and raw HTTP requests manually.

By the end of the chapter, you will not only see examples of these attacks, but also what practices you can employ to help prevent them.


Vulnerabilites such as cross-site scripting exist when you misuse tainted data. While the predominant source of input for most applications is the user, any remote entity can supply malicious data to your application. Thus, many of the practices described in this chapter are directly applicable to handling input from any remote entity, not just the user. See Chapter 1 for more information about input filtering.

Forms and Data

When developing a typical PHP application, the bulk of your logic involves data processing—tasks such as determining whether a user has logged in successfully, adding items to a shopping cart, and processing a credit card transaction.

Data can come from numerous sources, and as a security-conscious developer, you want to be able to easily and reliably distinguish between two distinct types of data:

  • Filtered data

  • Tainted data

Anything that you create yourself is trustworthy and can be considered filtered. An example of data that you create yourself is anything hardcoded, such as the email address ...

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