
We would like to express our appreciation to several people who helped us writing and editing this book. First, our gratitude goes to Klaus Kaldemorgen, the speaker of the board of DWS Investment GmbH. We are extremely grateful for the continuing support that we received from DWS Investment GmbH and Klaus Kaldemorgen's openness to new ideas and valuation concepts. Most likely, he would add that he is always open to new thoughts as long as they help us to make money for clients. But this is another story. We wish to thank all portfolio managers at DWS Investment GmbH including Martin Tschunko, Marc-Alexander Kniess, Hansjörg Pack and Thomas Gerhardt for their suggestions, analysis and common sense.

Peter Hollmann, a partner at Goldman Sachs in Frankfurt, introduced us to Abby Joseph Cohen, one of Wall Street's most respected strategists. We are extremely grateful that Abby Joseph Cohen wrote the Foreword to our book in August/September 2007, an extremely volatile time in financial markets. Dagmar Kollmann (CEO Morgan Stanley Bank AG), Stefan Hüttermann and Philipp Salzer (both Credit Suisse), Klaus Fink and Jens Schaller (both UBS) opened the doors for us to leading investment banks. Working for an investment bank is a time-consuming job. Tom Larsen, David Holland, Trevor Harris, Juliet Estridge, Doron Nissim, David Bianco and Daniel Stillit spent many evenings and weekends writing articles for this book. Working with them was a privilege and a great learning experience ...

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