Entrepreneurial Finance, Innovation and Development

Book description

This Companion provides a systematic and profound understanding of how finance, entrepreneurship, innovation, and their interactions contribute to economic development in Developing, Emerging and Transition Economies (DETE), which cover a large number of countries in Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Africa.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title Page
  3. Series Page
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright Page
  6. Contents
  7. List of figures
  8. List of tables
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Editors’ biographies
  11. Authors’ biographies
  12. Preface
  13. Part A Entrepreneurial finance in DETEs: regional approach
    1. 1 Digital finance and SMEs in Southeast Asia: an overview
    2. 2 Crowdfunding in DETEs: a literature review
    3. 3 Crowdfunding and entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans
    4. 4 Foreign portfolio investment: opportunities or challenges for transition countries?
  14. Part B Entrepreneurial finance in DETEs: country approach
    1. 5 Peer-to-peer lending in Malaysia
    2. 6 An institutional perspective on the development of the venture capital market in Brazil
    3. 7 Bilateral relations and venture capital financing in India
    4. 8 Asymmetric impact of financial market development on entrepreneurship in Nigeria
  15. Part C Entrepreneurial finance, gender, and poverty
    1. 9 Finance and women’s entrepreneurship in DETEs: a literature review
    2. 10 Emergence of women’s entrepreneurship in rural local development processes: insights from Gadouan, Ivory Cost
    3. 11 The potential of zakat productive assistance programme involving agricultural activities in Brunei Darussalamh
  16. Part D International comparisons and lessons
    1. 12 Growth, financial development and nascent entrepreneurship: does the level of development matter?
    2. 13 Are family firms more efficient? evidence from developing, emerging and transition economies
    3. 14 Financial capabilities, entrepreneurial self-belief and motivations among Israeli female and male entrepreneurs
  17. Index

Product information

  • Title: Entrepreneurial Finance, Innovation and Development
  • Author(s): Vi Dung Ngo, Duc Khuong Nguyen, Ngoc Thang Nguyen
  • Release date: November 2021
  • Publisher(s): Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781000483000