Entity Framework Core in Action, Second Edition, Video Edition

Video description

In Video Editions the narrator reads the book while the content, figures, code listings, diagrams, and text appear on the screen. Like an audiobook that you can also watch as a video.

Entity Framework Core in Action, Second Edition is an in-depth guide to reading and writing databases with EF Core. Revised from the bestselling original edition, it’s filled with over 100 diagrams, code snippets, and examples—including building and scaling your own bookselling web application. Learn from author Jon Smith’s extensive experience working with EF Core in production, as you discover time-saving patterns and best practices for security, performance tuning, and unit testing. All of the book’s code is available on GitHub.

About the Technology
Entity Framework radically simplifies data access in .NET applications. This easy-to-use object-relational mapper (ORM) lets you write database code in pure C#. It automatically maps classes to database tables and enables queries with standard LINQ commands. It even generates SQL, so you don’t have to!

About the Book
Entity Framework Core in Action, Second Edition teaches you to write flawless database interactions for .NET applications. Following relevant examples from author Jon Smith’s extensive experience, you’ll progress quickly from EF basics to advanced techniques. In addition to the latest EF features, this book addresses performance, security, refactoring, and unit testing. This updated edition also contains new material on NoSQL databases.

What's Inside
  • Configuring EF to define every table and column
  • Updating your schema as your app grows
  • Integrating EF with existing C# application
  • Writing and testing business logic for database access
  • Applying a Domain-Driven Design to EF Core
  • Getting the best performance out of EF Core

About the Reader
For .NET developers familiar with relational databases.

About the Author
Jon P. Smith is a freelance software developer and architect with a special focus on .NET and Azure.

The most comprehensive reference for EF Core that does—or ever will—exist.
- Stephen Byrne, Intel Corporation

The definitive guide to EF Core. Filled with real world examples, it’s the most practical way to enhance your EF Core skill set.
- Paul Brown, Diversified Services Network

I firmly believe anyone using EF Core will find something to up their game in this book.
- Anne Epstein, Headspring

Remains a go-to resource for me while working with Entity Framework.
- Foster Haines, J2 Interactive

Table of contents

  1. Part 1. Getting started
  2. Chapter 1. Introduction to Entity Framework Core
  3. Chapter 1. My “lightbulb moment” with Entity Framework
  4. Chapter 1. Some words for existing EF6.x developers
  5. Chapter 1. An overview of EF Core
  6. Chapter 1. What about NoSQL?
  7. Chapter 1. Your first EF Core application
  8. Chapter 1. The database that MyFirstEfCoreApp will access
  9. Chapter 1. Setting up the MyFirstEfCoreApp application
  10. Chapter 1. Looking under the hood of EF Core
  11. Chapter 1. The stages of development of EF Core
  12. Chapter 1. Should you use EF Core in your next project?
  13. Chapter 1. When should you not use EF Core?
  14. Chapter 1. Summary
  15. Chapter 2. Querying the database
  16. Chapter 2. Creating the application’s DbContext
  17. Chapter 2. Understanding database queries
  18. Chapter 2. Loading related data
  19. Chapter 2. Using client vs. server evaluation: Adapting data at the last stage of a query
  20. Chapter 2. Building complex queries
  21. Chapter 2. Introducing the architecture of the Book App
  22. Chapter 2. Adding sorting, filtering, and paging
  23. Chapter 2. Putting it all together: Combining Query Objects
  24. Chapter 2. Summary
  25. Chapter 3. Changing the database content
  26. Chapter 3. Creating new rows in a table
  27. Chapter 3. Updating database rows
  28. Chapter 3. Handling relationships in updates
  29. Chapter 3. Deleting entities
  30. Chapter 3. Summary
  31. Chapter 4. Using EF Core in business logic
  32. Chapter 4. Complex business logic example: Processing an order for books
  33. Chapter 4. Using a design pattern to implement complex business logic
  34. Chapter 4. Implementing the business logic for processing an order
  35. Chapter 4. Simple business logic example: ChangePriceOfferService
  36. Chapter 4. Validation business logic example: Adding review to a book, with checks
  37. Chapter 4. Adding extra features to your business logic handling
  38. Chapter 4. Summary
  39. Chapter 5. Using EF Core in ASP.NET Core web applications
  40. Chapter 5. Understanding the architecture of the Book App
  41. Chapter 5. Understanding dependency injection
  42. Chapter 5. Making the application’s DbContext available via DI
  43. Chapter 5. Calling your database access code from ASP.NET Core
  44. Chapter 5. Implementing the book list query page
  45. Chapter 5. Implementing your database methods as a DI service
  46. Chapter 5. Deploying an ASP.NET Core application with a database
  47. Chapter 5. Using EF Core’s migration feature to change the database’s structure
  48. Chapter 5. Using async/await for better scalability
  49. Chapter 5. Running parallel tasks: How to provide the DbContext
  50. Chapter 5. Summary
  51. Chapter 6. Tips and techniques for reading and writing with EF Core
  52. Chapter 6. Writing to the database with EF Core
  53. Chapter 6. Summary
  54. Part 2. Entity Framework in depth
  55. Chapter 7. Configuring nonrelational properties
  56. Chapter 7. A worked example of configuring EF Core
  57. Chapter 7. Configuring by convention
  58. Chapter 7. Configuring via Data Annotations
  59. Chapter 7. Configuring via the Fluent API
  60. Chapter 7. Excluding properties and classes from the database
  61. Chapter 7. Setting database column type, size, and nullability
  62. Chapter 7. Value conversions: Changing data to/from the database
  63. Chapter 7. The different ways of configuring the primary key
  64. Chapter 7. Adding indexes to database columns
  65. Chapter 7. Configuring the naming on the database side
  66. Chapter 7. Configuring Global Query Filters
  67. Chapter 7. Applying Fluent API commands based on the database provider type
  68. Chapter 7. Shadow properties: Hiding column data inside EF Core
  69. Chapter 7. Backing fields: Controlling access to data in an entity class
  70. Chapter 7. Recommendations for using EF Core’s configuration
  71. Chapter 7. Summary
  72. Chapter 8. Configuring relationships
  73. Chapter 8. What navigational properties do you need?
  74. Chapter 8. Configuring relationships
  75. Chapter 8. Configuring relationships By Convention
  76. Chapter 8. Configuring relationships by using Data Annotations
  77. Chapter 8. Fluent API relationship configuration commands
  78. Chapter 8. Controlling updates to collection navigational properties
  79. Chapter 8. Additional methods available in Fluent API relationships
  80. Chapter 8. Alternative ways of mapping entities to database tables
  81. Chapter 8. Summary
  82. Chapter 9. Handling database migrations
  83. Chapter 9. Understanding the complexities of changing your application’s database
  84. Chapter 9. Part 1: Introducing the three approaches to creating a migration
  85. Chapter 9. Creating a migration by using EF Core’s add migration command
  86. Chapter 9. Editing an EF Core migration to handle complex situations
  87. Chapter 9. Using SQL scripts to build migrations
  88. Chapter 9. Using EF Core’s reverse-engineering tool
  89. Chapter 9. Part 2: Applying your migrations to a database
  90. Chapter 9. Migrating a database while the application is running
  91. Chapter 9. Summary
  92. Chapter 10. Configuring advanced features and handling concurrency conflicts
  93. Chapter 10. Computed column: A dynamically calculated column value
  94. Chapter 10. Setting a default value for a database column
  95. Chapter 10. Sequences: Providing numbers in a strict order
  96. Chapter 10. Marking database-generated properties
  97. Chapter 10. Handling simultaneous updates: Concurrency conflicts
  98. Chapter 10. Summary
  99. Chapter 11. Going deeper into the DbContext
  100. Chapter 11. Understanding how EF Core tracks changes
  101. Chapter 11. Looking at commands that change an entity’s State
  102. Chapter 11. SaveChanges and its use of ChangeTracker.DetectChanges
  103. Chapter 11. Using SQL commands in an EF Core application
  104. Chapter 11. Accessing information about the entity classes and database tables
  105. Chapter 11. Dynamically changing the DbContext’s connection string
  106. Chapter 11. Handling database connection problems
  107. Chapter 11. Summary
  108. Part 3. Using Entity Framework Core in real-world applications
  109. Chapter 12. Using entity events to solve business problems
  110. Chapter 12. Defining where domain events and integration events are useful
  111. Chapter 12. Where might you use events with EF Core?
  112. Chapter 12. Implementing a domain event system with EF Core
  113. Chapter 12. Implementing an integration event system with EF Core
  114. Chapter 12. Improving the domain event and integration event implementations
  115. Chapter 12. Summary
  116. Chapter 13. Domain-Driven Design and other architectural approaches
  117. Chapter 13. The Book App’s evolving architecture
  118. Chapter 13. Introduction to DDD at the entity class level
  119. Chapter 13. Altering the Book App entities to follow the DDD approach
  120. Chapter 13. Using your DDD-styled entity classes in your application
  121. Chapter 13. The downside of DDD entities: Too many access methods
  122. Chapter 13. Getting around performance issues in DDD-styled entities
  123. Chapter 13. Three architectural approaches: Did they work?
  124. Chapter 13. Summary
  125. Chapter 14. EF Core performance tuning
  126. Chapter 14. Part 2: Techniques for diagnosing a performance issue
  127. Chapter 14. Part 3: Techniques for fixing performance issues
  128. Chapter 14. Using good patterns makes your application perform well
  129. Chapter 14. Performance antipatterns: Database queries
  130. Chapter 14. Performance antipatterns: Writes
  131. Chapter 14. Performance patterns: Scalability of database accesses
  132. Chapter 14. Summary
  133. Chapter 15. Master class on performance-tuning database queries
  134. Chapter 15. Good LINQ approach: Using an EF Core Select query
  135. Chapter 15. LINQ+UDFs approach: Adding some SQL to your LINQ code
  136. Chapter 15. SQL+Dapper: Creating your own SQL
  137. Chapter 15. LINQ+caching approach: Precalculating costly query parts
  138. Chapter 15. Comparing the four performance approaches with development effort
  139. Chapter 15. Improving database scalability
  140. Chapter 15. Summary
  141. Chapter 16. Cosmos DB, CQRS, and other database types
  142. Chapter 16. Introduction to Cosmos DB and its EF Core provider
  143. Chapter 16. Building a Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) system using Cosmos DB
  144. Chapter 16. The design of a two-database CQRS architecture application
  145. Chapter 16. Understanding the structure and data of a Cosmos DB account
  146. Chapter 16. Displaying books via Cosmos DB
  147. Chapter 16. Was using Cosmos DB worth the effort? Yes!
  148. Chapter 16. Differences in other database types
  149. Chapter 16. Summary
  150. Chapter 17. Unit testing EF Core applications
  151. Chapter 17. Getting your application’s DbContext ready for unit testing
  152. Chapter 17. Three ways to simulate the database when testing EF Core applications
  153. Chapter 17. Choosing between a production-type database and an SQLite in-memory database
  154. Chapter 17. Using a production-type database in your unit tests
  155. Chapter 17. Using an SQLite in-memory database for unit testing
  156. Chapter 17. Stubbing or mocking an EF Core database
  157. Chapter 17. Unit testing a Cosmos DB database
  158. Chapter 17. Seeding a database with test data to test your code correctly
  159. Chapter 17. Solving the problem of one database access breaking another stage of your test
  160. Chapter 17. Capturing the database commands sent to a database
  161. Chapter 17. Summary
  162. Appendix. A brief introduction to LINQ
  163. Appendix. Introduction to IQueryable type, and why it’s useful
    1. Appendix. Querying an EF Core database by using LINQ

Product information

  • Title: Entity Framework Core in Action, Second Edition, Video Edition
  • Author(s): Jon Smith
  • Release date: June 2021
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: None